Chapter 52

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Y/n: home sweet home

The words escaped my lips in a soft whisper as I took in the sight of our new house, in Miami. Rafe stood beside me, Maeve cradled in his arms, her sleepy eyes taking in her new surroundings with curiosity. 

Rafe: it's perfect, isn't it?

Y/n: it really is.

Rafe gently set Maeve down in her bassinet, and she cooed softly, her tiny hands reaching out to explore the world around her.

Rafe: looks like someone's already making herself at home.

I chuckled.

Y/n: she's definitely going to keep us on our toes.

Rafe grinned, he wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me close.

Rafe: wouldn't have it any other way.

As Rafe and I unpacked boxes, we found some things that reminded us of the past.

Y/n: hey, remember that time we tried to assemble that IKEA bookshelf?

Rafe chuckled

Rafe: how could I forget? I took us twice as long as it should have, and we still ended up with a few extra screws.

Y/n: and don't forget the moment when we realized we put the shelves in backward!

We both laughed at the memory, it happend last year in Tannyhill.

Rafe: at least we learned the importance of reading directions carefully.

Y/n: definitely. Although, I think we'll stick to pre-assembled furniture from now on.

We continued unpacking, each box revealing a new treasure trove of memories and laughter. But then I found it, I forgot I even had it. 

Rafe: what's that?

Y/n: My mom's favorite necklace

Rafe: it's beautiful

Y/n: she used to wear it all the time, before my dad left and before everything went downhill.

Rafe: why do you still have it?

Y/n: I don't know... I forgot I even had it.

Rafe: you don't have to keep it if it brings you pain, Y/n.

Y/n: I know, but... part of me feels like I need to hold onto it, you know? Like it's the only thing I have left of her.

Rafe: You do what you think is best, but you have me now and you have Maeve.

Y/n: Okay, thanks.

Rafe: always.


As the evening descended upon our new home, I found myself standing in the kitchen, apron tied securely around my waist, a sense of calm washing over me as I prepared dinner. 

Rafe: need any help in there, love?

I glanced over my shoulder to see Rafe leaning against the doorway.

Y/n: I think I've got it covered, but you can set the table if you'd like.

Rafe nodded, stepping into the kitchen to grab plates and cutlery. 

Rafe: smells amazing.

Y/n: thanks. I thought I'd whip up one of my mom's recipes tonight.

Rafe: that sounds nice. I bet she was a great cook.

Y/n: she was... when she wasn't too busy drowning her sorrows in a bottle.

Rafe crossed the kitchen in a few strides, his hands coming to rest gently on my shoulders.

Rafe: hey, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to.

Y/n: I know, I know.

I leaned into his touch, he kissed my hair and got back to setting the table.

Rafe: what are we eating? 

Y/n: spaghetti bolognese but with a secret ingredient.

Rafe: and what's that?

Y/n: love.

I replied with a playful grin, a hint of mischief dancing in my eyes as I stirred the simmering sauce.

Rafe chuckled, shaking his head in amusement.

Rafe: always the romantic, aren't you?

I shrugged, a soft smile playing on my lips as I glanced over at him

Y/n: can you blame me? After all, cooking with love is what makes a meal truly special.

Rafe: well, in that case, I can't wait to taste the love you've put into this dish.


A/n: Shoutout to @user123328765 for giving me this idea, I don't know how I didn't think of it. This chapter gave me way more ideas to thank you! I love you!

word count: 612

Reality - Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now