Chapter 21 - 🌶️

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Y/n: Dad, can we please go to court,John B is my best friend?

Dad: John B is a murderer sweetie

Y/n: he is not, do you seriously believe it? You've known John B for a long time, he would never do such a thing

Dad: ok fine

Y/n: thank you thank you thank you


Judge: John Booker Routledge, pursuant to the North Carolina statute section 14, you are charged with murder in the first degree with aggravated circumstances. If convicted, the maximum sentence would be the death penalty. 

Y/n: we gotta do something

JJ: your honor, he's 17!

Kie: stop

judge: quiet!

JJ: he's 17! Are you kidding me?

Pope: you're good.

Judge: Bailiff!

JJ: hey, John B, we're gonna figure it out. 

Sarah: John B! John B! John B! No!

Y/n: Sarah! Don't touch her! Let's go.

Everyone started walking out, my father was talking with Ward. Of course he was, he even works for him, they're basically best friends now

Kie: is this a joke? Like, are we in hell or...?

Sarah: I should have never come home.

JJ: they're gonna kill him, guys. I know it.

We overheard a conversation with Ward and an unknown man

Kie: can you please shut up? Of course you think the system worked because it was made to protect you and people like you. 

Y/n: Kie, don't

Man: he'll have his day in court. A jury will decide. 

Kie: he shouldn't even be in court! You should, 'cause you're a murderer. You have a lot of nerve showing up to court.

Ward: I know you're upset. I understan you're upset, okay?

Kie: Upset?

Ward: I know he's got you fooled. He's got you all fooled.

Kie: no, I'm not just upset!

The next thing I know Kiara is trying to hit Ward and Shoupe is holding her back, there's a lot of yelling

Ward: show some respect!

JJ: muzzle your goddamned dog!

Y/n: get off her!

JJ: why don't you take the kooks down for a change?

Shoupe: you wanna get arrested? Get out! You need to go.

Kie: this is bullshit.

Sarah: come on. Look, it's not worth it.

Plumb says something to Ward

Kie: it's not a coincidence that you're daughter's sitting with us!

That was the worst stare we ever got from Ward. 

Dad: Y/n let's go!

Y/n: I gotta go, guys. I'm so sorry. We're gonna figure it out.

I hugged everyone goodbye


We went home, my went to the shops with James. Joanna was looking miserable. She was looking so tired and Isabelle was crying

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