Chapter 54 - 🌶️

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Rafe: How about something light-hearted?

Y/n: what do you have in mind?

Rafe: how about that new romantic comedy everyone's been talking about? It's supposed to be really funny.

Y/n: sounds perfect. Let's watch it.

Rafe nodded and clicked on the movie, settling back as the opening credits began to roll. Maeve gurgled happily in her bassinet, seemingly content to watch the colorful imagines flicker across the screen.

After a while a knock interupted us, Rafe paused the movie and went to open the door. Who comes at this hour?

Dad: hey, froggie. Hope you won't mind, every hotel nearby is booked.

James: Y/n!!!

Y/n: sshh! Maeve is sleeping.

James: sorry.

Joanna: Oh, this is a nice place.

Rafe: Let me show you to your rooms

Y/n: you knew?

Rafe: I'm sorry.

Y/n: why didn't you tell me?

Rafe: Let's talk later.

Y/n: yeah whatever.

I sat back down, while Rafe showed the rooms, our house had 4 extra rooms, I know big but I knew it would come in handy.

After a few minutes Rafe came back down

Rafe: they're getting ready for bed, they're tired from the flight. But do you know where the travel crib is for Isabelle?

Y/n: it should be in the closet in the spare bedroom. I'm also going to get ready for bed.

Rafe: can we atleast talk?

I get Maeve and lay her down in her crib in her room. 

As I stepped into the shower, letting the warm water cascade over me, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to clear my mind.

Suddenly, I heard the bathroom door creak open, and I turned, surprised to see Rafe stepping into the shower behind me.

Y/n: what are you doing?

Rafe: I know you're going to avoid talking to me until tomorrow so I thought now would be better.

I nodded in agreement, Rafe stepped closer, the water creating a barrier between us and the rest of the world.

Rafe: I'm sorry for not telling you about them visiting and staying over. It wasn't fair to you, and I should have communicated better.

Y/n: it's okay. I understand that you didn't mean to exclude me.

Rafe: I never want you to feel like I'm keeping things from you. You mean everything to me. I love you.

Our lips met in a tender kiss.

Y/n: I love you too, Rafe.

Rafe grabs my face and kisses me hard, his hand travels from my breast to my mound but I stop him.

Rafe: what is it?

Y/n: you first.

I begin to kiss my way down his chest, stopping to lick his nipples. He moans and gently pushes me down to his growing member. I moan in desire and eagerly take his throbbing member in my mouth. 

I begin to stroke, lick, and suck his hard cock and he moans in pleasure. He grabs a hold of my head and starts to thrust. I moan as he goes in and out. He then takes one final thrust and comes in my mouth.

I stand up and he kisses me. We walk out of the shower, Rafe picks me up and carries me to the bed. He lays me down and gets on top, he kisses me down my neck, leaving a few hickeys.

He kisses down my body until he reaches my dripping center. I moan in pleasure when his mouth touches my most sensitive area. As he is eating me out, his hand moves to my dripping hole and inserts a finger.

I moan in pleasure but then I feel him move away, I look up to see Rafe rock hard and positioned at my entrance. he pushes into me and I cry out in ecstasy as I feel him go in. He picks up the pace of his thrusts. He begins thrusting faster and faster until we both cry out in orgasm. Thank god for the good isolation of the walls. 


A/n: It's been a while since I've written smut, so I'm sorry if it sucks. 

word count: 642

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