Chapter 51

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Y/n: Dad, it's time to go.

Dad: just one last little hug and kiss from grandpa.

As my dad held Maeve close, peppering her chubby cheeks with gentle kisses, I watched with a pang of longing. His love for his granddaughter was palpable.

Y/n: take care of yourself, dad.

Dad: you too, froggie. And take care of that little one.

He pressed a tender kiss to Maeve's forehead before giving her to Rafe. He gave me one last hug and then let go.

Rafe stepped forward, offering his hand to my dad.

Rafe: thank you, for everything.

Dad: you take care of them, Rafe.

There was a silent understanding between them. With a final wave, my dad got back in his car and drove home to Joanna, James and Isabelle, who sadly couldn't come because they were sick. I of course said goodbye to them, James was really sad, he couldn't see my dad's private jet.

Y/n: we're really doing this, aren't we?

Rafe: yes, we are. And we're going to be just fine.

With one last lingering glance at the place we had called home, we turned our backs on the past and got inside the jet. Ready to embrace whatever adventures awaited us in Miami.


I send my dad a quick text, which he replies to immediatly. I just see him stressing out and waiting for a text to appear on his screen.

Y/n: we arrived in one piece. It's beautiful out here, you'll love it.

Dad: I'll see you guys at the wedding, in exactly 25 days.

Y/n: are you seriously counting down?

Dad: like you aren't?

Y/n: guilty

Dad: It's not everyday a daughter of mine gets married and I can walk her down the aisle.

Y/n: true, I guess we're both looking forward to it then.

Dad: absolutely. Just take care of yourselves out there, okay?

Y/n: we will, Dad. And we'll make sure to keep you updated with plenty of pictures and videos of Maeve.

Dad: that would be wonderful. I can't wait to see her grow, even from afar.

Y/n: she'll know her grandpa loves her very much, no matter the distance.

Dad: that means the world to me, froggie. I love you all.

Y/n: love you too, dad. Take care.

I set my phone down and turn to Rafe.

Y/n: he's already counting down the days until the wedding.

Rafe chuckled, his eyes sparkling with amusement.

Rafe: sounds like he's more excited than we are.

I nodded in agreement.


A/n: I'll try my best to keep updating but my ideas are running low, I've got one more long chapter in my head, that's the next chapter btw. So ideas are always welcome. Stay safe, I love you!

word count: 426

Reality - Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now