Chapter 31

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Okay so this weird thing happend and uhm I ended up on a boat to god knows where. It all happend so fast.

I walk into a room following Rafe and I wish I didn't because I see Ward sitting there and Sarah in the other chair. I stumble back luckily Rafe catches me

Rafe: you're okay.

Y/n: holy shit. Is this real? I thought you were dead.

Rafe: we all did.

I sit down and I zone out. Rafe and Sarah ended up fighting but I didn't catch a thing of what he said. At one time Rose and Wheezie walked in but I still wasn't paying attention.

Rafe: baby? Babe? Y/n?

Y/n: mhm? What?

Rafe: what's going on? You feeling okay?

Y/n: it's just a shock

Rafe: Get some rest

Y/n: no I'm good.

Rafe kisses me on the lips before leaving

Rose was reading a magazine while I was getting nauseous, I'm gonna puke any second now.

Y/n: where's the toilet?

Rose: what's wrong?

Y/n: Where's the fucking toilet?!

Rose: are you seasick? Because I've got just the thing.

Y/n: I think it's a mix of both the pregnancy and seasickness. But could I have it, the medicine?

Rose: yeah sure, let me find it.

Y/n: but seriously I'm gonna throw up in a minute, so where's the toilet?

Rose: just on the left.

Y/n: okay thanks.

I open the door and gesture for Sarah to follow. Sarah runs off and I run off to the toilet just in time to puke my guts out.

Men: yo! Hurry up, I need a dump!

Y/n: just a second!

Rose: take a shit somewhere else, a pregnant woman is inside.

Men: yes ma'am, sorry ma'am.

Rose: you okay in there?

I flush the toilet, stand back up, wash my hands and rinse my mouth before opening the door.

Y/n: I think so. I've never been in on a boat except for a ferry.

Rose: maybe you should get some rest.

Y/n: why does everyone say that? I don't need sleep. I'm gonna find Rafe.

I walk off in search of Rafe.

I walk into a room and in the middle of the room, there's a box. I look inside and oh my god. It's most beautiful thing ever. It's the cross.

I suddenly head the radio

Attention all passengers and crew. Report to the tween forward hull. Attention, all passengers, all crew, report to the tween forward hull. That's an order. Repeat. All hands and all passengers report to the tween forward hull immediately.

I started to panic, what the hell was happening? I walk as fast as possible to the tween forward hull. On the way there I meet Wheezie, Rose and Rafe.

Wheezie: where are we going, and where's dad?

Rose: I don't know, Wheezie.

Y/n: hey, what's going on?

Rafe: I don't know, are you okay?

Y/n: yeah, just feeling sick.

Rafe kisses me on the lips but he pulls away and looks around.

Y/n: what's wrong? Where are you going?

Rafe: stay here, baby.

Y/n: what? No. It's a trap, can't you see that?

Rafe: I know it is. Okay fine, just be safe.

Y/n: I will

Rafe: I love you

Y/n: I love you too.


A lot of yelling, gunshots and the pretty cross that was falling, the pogues that were here. But I only focused on one person. Rafe was trying to save the cross.

Y/n: Rafe!!!

He was yelling for help because he was pulling it by his own. My baby's strong.

The pogues got away but Rafe grabbed a gun from one of the people and pointed it at them.

Y/n: Rafe! No!!! Please! Don't!

He lowered the gun and I let out a sigh of relief. The cross got back safely on board. And we got the good news that Ward was going to get better.


A/n: Well that's another season checked off the list.

word count: 612

Reality - Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now