Chapter 6 - 🌶️

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My dad, James and I are at the mall

Dad: take my card, buy whatever you like. And get a nice dress for midsummers tonight.

Y/n: ok thank you

Dad: be back at 5 at the car please

Y/n: ok bye

I went to a dress shop and I found the perfect dress

I went to a dress shop and I found the perfect dress

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To make my dad happy I also bought some heels

To make my dad happy I also bought some heels

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I don't have make up so I also bought some. I went to some more stores and bought some other things. I was getting hungry so I got a quick snack. I checked the time and saw that it was almost 5 so I went back to the car 

Dad: bought a lot?

Y/n: a dress, heels, makeup and some other things

Dad: we got James an ipad and a suit and some new shoes

Y/n: that's nice, here's your card back

Dad: you keep it, if you want anything you buy it. I have another card

Y/n: thank you, I don't know what to say

Dad: let's go home and get ready for midsummers

We got ready and James was so cute in his little suit 

We arrived at midsummers and I saw Kiara and Pope

Y/n: I'm gonna go to my friends

Dad: ok have fun

Y/n: I will

I walked to Pope and Kiara

Y/n: hi guys!

Kiara: what are you doing here?

Y/n: I had some problems with DCS and they found my dad. I've got a lot to catch up on 

Everyone suddenly started clapping and Ward, Rose, Sarah, Wheezie and Rafe walked in. 

Kiara: here come Lord Capital and the Exploiters

Y/n: what is on her head?

Pope: she's definitly gonna poke somebody's eye out with that.

I was having a lot of fun. I went to the dance floor and started dancing with Sarah and Wheezie. Secretly drinking champagne

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