Chapter 34

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Y/n's POV

Y/n: what! 

Rafe: yeah, he was crazy. Talking shit about a diary? And he even threatened you. But Kiara pushed me in the water and stole my boat.

Y/n: so how did you get back here?

Rafe: you're not gonna like it.

Y/n: I won't be mad, I promise.

Rafe: A man was looking for a gift for his wife and I uhm... lured him into this street and beat him and stole his hat and wallet to get onto the ferry.

Y/n: you didn't.

Rafe: I'm sorry, I didn't know how else I could come home to you. 

Y/n: It's okay, you're here now. Thank you for the books by the way.

Rafe: I thought it would come in handy.

Y/n: I think I've got a name in mind, the book really helped.

Rafe: Oh really? 

Y/n: yes. 

Rafe: I've also got a name in mind.


Ward was all better and pulled Rafe aside for a talk. But I'm too curious so I listened in.

Rafe: Listen, I understand the risks involved with selling the cross, okay? I saw an opportunity, and I took it. That's it. You know, and I thought that you would wake up, and I would tell you that it was taken care of. And I don't know, maybe you'd be proud of me or something, because I'm the one who brought it home. I did it.

Ward: Jesus, Rafe.

Rafe: And now I feel like an idiot.

Ward: Rafe, stop it!

Rafe: no, I am!

Ward: You're not an idiot. Are you-

Rafe: I feel like an idiot, and-

Ward: I went down, and you stepped up. I'm just glad you're okay, you understand? Hey!

Rafe: yeah.

Ward: It's your first big deal, all right? I remember mine. It didn't go well either. I could have told you, it's Barbados. Carlos Singh does what he wants there. It's okay.

Rafe: yeah.

Ward: there's something I need you to do for me right now, okay?

Rafe: name it.

Ward: I need you to go back to the Outer Banks. Kildare.

Rafe: Why?

Ward: there's nothing there for us, not anymore. I need you to wrap everything up for me, all right? I need you to sell the businesses, sell the rental properties. I need you to sell Tannyhill.

Rafe: wait, we're selling Tannyhill? Is that what you said?

Ward: yeah.

Rafe: why? Wat are you talking about?

Ward: it's not our home anymore. This is. This is our home now. And it's a clean slate. It's a new beginning, a new path. And I need you to take a bigger role, all right? Can I count on you for that? Yeah?

Rafe: of course, yes. Of course, dad.

Ward: yeah, all right. Good. Listen, I got some papers inside. I'm gonna bring them. We're gonna go over them. Tell you what to do, and while you're gone, I am going to be taking that cross and looking into it. We have that cross because of you. You got it for us, and you saved it. I just need you to be careful. You get in there, handle the business, and you get back here safely. All right? You're a Cameron. That still means something. Oh and please take Y/n with you, she's driving Rose crazy. 

I hide when Ward walks back inside and then go back to Rafe. And hug him, which is getting harder with my belly.

Y/n: you okay? I overheard.

Rafe: yeah. 


We arrived and it felt so good being back. Rafe got a call and answered it while I just wondered around taking it all in.

After a few long minutes Rafe wandered down stairs, really pissed.

Rafe: shit.

Y/n: what is it? Everything okay?

Rafe: my dad's going to give the cross to a museum, tommorow night.

Y/n: what! He can't do that. It's yours, you're not going to let it happen, are you?

Rafe: nope, I've got a plan. But I'll need Barry's help.

Y/n: okay while you're going to Barry's, I'm going to go to my place and see my dad, James and Joanna. See how they're doing, check in and stuff.

Rafe: okay. I love you.

Y/n: I love you too.

Rafe: call me if you need me.

Y/n: I will, bye.

I left and walked to my place, knocked on the door. James opened the door and yelled my name so loud, my dad ran to the door.

Dad: what's going- ? 

Y/n: hi, dad. Hello, little men.

James hugged me, I missed it, I ruffled his hair. My dad stood as still as a rock. Joanna also came out to look what was going on, holding Isabelle.

Joanna: hey.

Y/n: hi.

Joanna layed a hand on my father's shoulder and that did the trick, he got back into reality. And James finally let go of me. 

Dad: where were you?

Y/n: Guadeloupe with Rafe.

Dad: what were you doing in Guadeloupe?

Y/n: long story.

Dad: we've got enough time don't we? Let sit down and talk. 

He let me in and we talked about everything that happened, leaving some details out like Ward being alive.


A/n: I'm going to stay up late tonight to write a lot of chapters for you guys, so get ready. Hope you like it.

Word count: 831

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