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"Laura!"my mom shouts from downstairs."Someone is here for you!"

I groan and get out of bed.I was still in my pajamas.I go down stairs and rub my eyes.I didn't have my glasses on or my contacts.So I couldn't really see who was sitting on the couch."wait,I'll be right back,"i run upstairs hopping I wouldn't trip.

"Oh hey Dove."I say smiling."wait you wear glasses?" Dove asks.

"Yeah but only when I'm at my house or something."

"They look cool."she says

"Thanks but why are you here?not to sound rude or anything."

"Oh,well I'm giving you a ride to school.Now hurry up and get dressed.We have half an hour."She says walking into the kitchen were my mom is.I go upstairs and get dressed.I didn't even have time to take a shower.I wash my face and put on only a small amount of makeup.It reminded me when Ross told me that I didn't need to wear make up because I was beautiful with out it.I curl my hair and just decide to leave it down.I always pack my bag the night before so I can be prepared in case of an emergency.I carefully put in my contacts and go downstairs were I see Dove standing by the door."Bye mom!"I shout grabbing my leather jacket."Wait!Don't you and Dove want anything to eat?"She says coming out of the kitchen with a tray of blueberry muffins."Um its okay mom ,me and Dove will be fine."I look to Dove an she nods."Ok,bye girls be safe and have a good day."

"Bye mom,"

"Bye Mrs.Marano!"

We say walking out the house."Call me Ellen!"My mom says.

Both of us get in the car and head off to school.


I get out the car and Dove does the same.We still had about nine minutes before class."I have to give Marissa the answers to our Math homework."She rolls her eyes."Why ?"I say looking around the parking lot to see if I can spot a certain blond.I then see him and he smiles.He walks towards me.

"She 'forgot' to do it."

"Heh,typical Marissa.Well see you at first period,thanks for the ride."

"Bye,"Dove walks over to Marissa.

I walk over to Ross.We quickly run over to the school area."This is for you."he hands me a cup of coffee. I take a quick sip and smile."Mmm, my favorite.Thank you Ross this is my favorite."I give him a hug."Good morning."He whispers,sending chills down my spine."Good morning."I say breaking the hug."I am so sorry that I couldn't come over yesterday.It was my little cousins 4th birthday and I just couldn't miss it."he says."its okay Ross.And I have a surprise for you."I say."Can you come to my house after school?" Hopping he would say yes.He nods."yeah and you didn't have to give me anything."
"And you didn't have to buy all of that stuff from the mall so I guess we're even."he smiles.

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