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I was finally done getting ready for my "date" with Eric. It is weird saying its a date when Ross will be coming also but I'm glad because I really didn't want to get involved with Eric,I'm tired of him. I'm tired of everyone."Ross are you ready?" I ask when I reach the railing of my balcony. I saw him in his room from across me spraying some cologne?

"Yeah, I'll meet you at your driveway." He told me. "K," was all I said before I grabbed my purse and jotted downstairs. "Bye mom, dad, I'm going to go out to catch up with...a friend," Eric wasn't my friend and never will be because he's a fucktard.

"Bye sweetie, be safe then!" She shouts from the kitchen. And my stepdad was nowhere in sight so I walked out the door to find Ross leaning up against my car. I groan. "Ross I just cleaned my car!" I explain as I use the hem of his shirt to wipe it. He playfully rolls his eyes and leans down and kisses me. "Good morning to you to babe," he said.

I smile. "Morning Ross, Eric wanted to meet up at the mall. Thanks for agreeing to come by the way." I admit as he being the gentleman he was opened the passenger seat for me.

He walks to the drivers seat and we buckle our seat belts. "Well I didn't agree, you technically forced me against my will but I'm glad I'm coming because there is no way I'm going to leave you alone with that di-" I cut him off before he could speak.


He looks me in the eye and chuckles. "Do you know yourself?"

I smile. "Just drive so we can get this over with," I say. He started the car and we made our way to the mall Eric wanted us to meet up at.

-R-@ the mall
"Hey Eric," Laura greeted using her sweet voice she used to talk to everyone . Why is it that she talked to everyone like that besides me? "Sup Laura! Ross..." He said my name bitterly. I dramatically rolled my eyes. "Eric."

Laura awkwardly laughed. "Let's uh go to the food court and grab some early lunch." Laura suggested. "Anything you want to do I'll do," Eric said, almost as he was kissing up to Laura. "Great, is that okay with you if we do that Ross?" I just wish she knew that she didn't have to have my opinion on everything but that's another one of the many things I loved about Laura. She always made sure what she did was okay before she actually does it. "Of course,"

"Dove when are we going to delete the website?" I question as I take a bite of my salad I had made from the food court. "When I'm satisfied," Dove stated. Believe it or not I felt really bad for pretending to be Laura's friend in the first place. I've been begging Dove to take down the hate page but she just wouldn't. "But this is just so wrong, Laura didn't do anything wrong though."

Dove dryly laughed and turned to me. "Are you freaking serious? Laura and Ross are dating. I've known Ross years before Laura did. I know Ross is in-love with me. He finally was about to ask me to be his girlfriend until Laura came out of fucking no where and brainwashed him!" Dove explained popping a few french fries into her mouth. Okay first of all, none of that was true. Ross doesn't even have the least bit of feelings for Dove and I know for a fact the Ross was not about to ask her out because only a crazy person would do that. "In your dreams Dove. I'm done with you. You can get revenge on Laura alone by yourself. Laura was my friend and I am not going to hate on her because she dated your crush, goodbye Dove," I explained and walked away from her complaints. I would never imagine myself sticking up to Dove.

"Get back here!" She shouted as I left.

"When I'm satisfied,'' I mocked her as I walked out the mall.

"So are you dating anyone now?" I honestly didn't care about Eric and his boring life, I'd rather be alone with Ross eating pizza like we would always do. Not spend the day with my ex-boyfriend asking about the weather.

"Nah, but I have someone in my mind," he said staring right at me, which made me very uncomfortable. I glanced at Ross to see fume coming from him as he had a tight death grip on his raspberry smoothie. If he gripped it any tighter it would explode.Eric was talking about me. "Look Eric, I'm sorry but I'm not interested in you anymore. I have Ross now and we are very happy together. And I think that we should go, I promised my mom I would help her around the house,"I only lied abut the helping my mom out part, of course I loved Ross. For real and I'm not talking about the project anymore. Ever since my true feelings for Ross expanded I have been meaning everything I thought or said about him like how I was in-love with him so much it hurt.

I grabbed Ross's hand and we stood up. "It was nice catching up, I'll see you around," Another lie. I hope I never see him again."

Ross wrapped his arm around my waist as we made our way out the building. "One day you'll be mine again Laura Marano. Even if I have to force you!" He shouted. I swear to god Ross spun around quicker than the speed of light. But before he could make his way to Eric I grabbed his arm. "Ross don't, he's not worth it don't worry. I'm all yours."

"All mine," he whispered.

-@ home
"Eric has some nerve talking to you like that Laura," Ross said as he stroked my hair. I was at his house, we were up in his room just cuddling in bed. "Ugh don't even get me started on him. I just want to lay with my boyfriend-"

"Fake boyfriend," he interrupted me. I frown and look up at him. "What's wrong now?" I questioned. He sighed. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that, I'm still upset that what this is isn't real to you when it's real to me." He admitted.

After he finished speaking I had the urge to tell him what was on my mind. "You know Ross?Thats been on my mind lately. "I started. "What do you mean?"

"Ross, I'm sorry I didn't tell you but I am in love with you, and I'm being dead serious. This has nothing to do with the project. When you told me you really loved me I felt like I was the happiest girl in the world and that's because I was. " I confessed. Whoo, glad I got that off my chest. For a moment Ross didn't say anything.

"Please say something Ross, don't make this weird-"

"If you love me then why was it so hard to tell me when you knew I felt the same way?" He curiously asked. I sighed. "The last time I thought I loved someone was when I was with Eric. Ever since then I didn't love anyone until you so maybe I just wasn't ready to tell you." I say.

He say me up and I looked at him and he looked back. "Well then, will you Laura Marano make me the happiest person ever and be my real girlfriend?" He questioned.

"No," I told him. His smile immediately turned into a frown. "B-but you said-" He sadly explained. Gosh he was so adorable when he was confused like hell. I gave him a small yet passionate kiss. "I know you could do better than that Ross," I told him. He groaned. "You are a very romantic person. You are funny if you think I'll be your girlfriend if you asked me out like that." I laughed.

He rolled his eyes. "I hate you," he mumbled. "You love me," I mocked him and mumbled. "Hate you,"

"Love me," I sang. He stayed silent until he smiled again. "I know,"

"Well I need to go," He says getting up. I frown once again. "Awe why?"

"Because I have to think of ways to ask you out."
I'm sorry for all the mistakes and errors I'm to tired to edit right now.
Holiday update #1
I hope you liked it!

Don't forget to...

And read my story:When the mean girl wins


Stay wonderful
I love you all

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