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"Ross?" I yawn when I become awake. I was still wrapped around his arms so I knew he was still here. "Good morning beautiful," He whispers as he gives me a kiss on the lips. Even if it was small and simple, I felt myself falling for him again after every time our lips connected. "Mornin'..." I reply.

"We should get packing because we are leaving in two hours. And I need to talk to you."

Knowing what the last part meant, I know and get up from his grip. "Did you hear what I said last night?You know,before you went to sleep?"

He frowns and shakes his head. "No why what do you say?Im sorry I was just really tired."

I give him a small smile snd shrug. "Nothing important" It's just that I really love you.

"Oh okay, I'm going to go to my room to pack, I'll see you down for breakfast."

And with that he quickly leaves.

Early this morning before Laura woke up, Dove arrived out of know where. She was still here hidden in my room. If Laura knew she would kill me.

I made sure know one was watching me right before I enter my room to reveal Dove lying down on my bed.

"You need to leave." I say gritting my teeth. She smirks at me. "Nah, I think I should give Laura a visit."

"This isn't even my house nor Laura's. It's her dads." I explain. She just shrugs and twirls her hair. "That won't stop me."

"Get out." I angrily said. "You can't be here." 

"Actually that's where you're wrong. After you all went to bed, I stopped by to talk to Mr.Marano and he told me that I could join y'all for breakfast. I'll see you in s few Rossy" She says whole blowing me a kiss and walking out my room. I groan in frustration.

I run back into Laura's room. She was changing and panicked when I saw her naked body. "Ross!" She yelled. My eyes widen. Well it's not like it's my first time seeing her like that so...

"I'm sorry but there is going to be a change of plans. We are going out for breakfast, you and me only." I smile.

"Are you sure? My dad said that you invited one of your friends to join us. I'm looking forward  to meeting whoever it is." She smiles.

"Wait, friend?!I didn't invite anyone over! I don't know anyone in New York!"  I explain. She shrugs. "He said a girl by the name of Daisy stopped by. I am looking forward to meeting her since I do t know many of your friends,"

Daisy?! More like Dove. I can't believe Dove told Laura's dad that I was her friend and that her name is Daisy.

"Well I'm going to tell your dad that Daisy isn't coming anymore." I tell her.

"Aww, I really wanted to meet her," she pouts. I chuckle. "No you don't. Plus don't you want to have breakfast with me?"

"Eh...." She jokes. I playfully roll my eyes.

All of a sudden I had the urge to just kiss her. I don't know why I did that though.

She did kiss back though, smiling through out it too. It lasted for a couple of seconds but it still made me love her even more.

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