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"It's so good to be home!" I smiled as I hopped out of the van that dropped us off. We landed back home almost two hours ago.
It took an our and a half from waiting for everything and the rest of the time was wasted by sitting in traffic the whole time. "Same, what more could you enjoy than sitting next to a snobby teenager on the plane for a day?" Vanessa sarcastically remarks. "I'm just happy that me and Laura got to sit next to each other this time, I would've died if I somehow ended up sitting next to the kid again..." Ross tells us as he grabs the luggage out of the trunk.

"Laura!" I heard a familiar of various voices call from the doorsteps of my house. I turn around and my eyes go wide. "Sarah?!Jeremy?!" I shout as I run up to them and almost tackle them in the floor.

"Who are they?" Ross asks me in s whisper as we both watch Laura hug Sarah and Jeremy. "Those were her best friends back in Arizona," I half smile. "I wonder what they are doing here.

"What are you guys doing here?" Laura excitedly asks. "Well we missed you so much that we wanted to stay with you in California for a couple of weeks since we are on break. " Her friend Sarah explains.

"Oh my gosh that's great!You could meet all my friends and I'll tell you everything about California!" She tells them.

I turn to Ross and I see him watching Laura with a smile because of how happy she was. "Come on, let's go say hi." I say to him. "Laura!" I call out to her. Once she looks at us reality hits her. I see her make an o shape with her mouth. I chuckle as me and Ross walk over to them. "Hey Sarah, Jeremy..." I give them a small smile and a side hug each. "Guys this is the Ross," Laura smiles and hugs Ross.

I smile and hug her back. "Hi Ross, I'm Sarah. Laura's best friend." The girl named Sarah told me. "Oooh, this is Ross. They guy you kept telling us about." The guy said. Laura's eyes widen as I smirk down at her. "Um haha..."

"Anyways, I'm Jeremy. Her other best friend. Nice to meet you Ross." He says taking my hand and shaking it. I smile and told him it was nice meeting both of Laura's friends from her hometown.

-That night-
I look over at my alarm clock-yeah call me old fashion I don't care, and the clock read 10:32. I wasn't really tired since after I finished unpacking I took almost a two hour nap. So I just layer in bed.
I assumed everyone was asleep because all the lights were off. But I'm pretty sure Rocky was still awake because I heard some weird zombie noises coming from his room next door. Hopefully he was just playing video games. 
I look over from across my balcony to see Laura still awake. I was about to go over and approach her when I say Sarah there too. It looked like they were talking about something very serious because Laura look really worried and she cupped her hands over her mouth. Sarah instantly hugged her as Laura started to tear up a bit was what it looked like. 

I'm going to have to ask her later about what's wrong. It made me worried to see herself like that. 

This cannot be happening. I'm hoping this was some sick joke on me that my best friend was trying to pull or something. "Why would he all of a sudden want to be with me again?We broke up s long time ago, hasn't he already moved on?" I spoke.

"Well he told me that he regrets it. Laura he's changed. He's a better man now and I think you should get back together with him." Sarah replied. My eyes widen. Why would she say that? Oh.
I forgot. She doesn't know I'm dating Ross. She still thinks I'm single.

"I can't Sarah I have a-" I try to tell her the truth but she cuts me off.

"Come on Laur, you guys were the 'it' couple back then. Why not get together now?" She questions. I sigh. "I don't like him."

"You didn't like the old him. But you'll like the new him. I'm telling you Laura. I told him your address, he's coming tomorrow morning."

My eyes grow wide. "What?!"

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