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"You told Maia that you and her could've been sisters if she and Rocky dated and got married?" He chuckled. It made me happy all around when his reaction wasn't an angry one. I feared he would get upset with me but he isn't.

"It came out of no where, "

"But seriously Ross, when can we tell them? I hate keeping secrets from my friends and family,"

"Soon baby, very soon,"

"Rocky! Get up already how long are you going to lay in bed and be depressed about some girl?" Riker asks me for the fifteenth time this day. I groaned. "Maia is not just some girl!"

"It even hurts when I say her name!" I complained. Riker rolls his eyes. "Unbelievable" I heard him whisper under his breath. "Get up, take a shower-brush your teeth and get ready we are going out,"

I give him a weird look. "Dude.." I trailed off.

"Not like that! Fuck Rocky hurry up, you better be downstairs in 10 minutes," I don't even try to object I just get up and get into the shower. My brother is right, I shouldn't be sapping around for a girl.

"Eric?That name sounds very familiar but I'll probably know tomorrow night when we all meet him," Rydel says to Maia who just arrived at the Lynch household only minutes ago. "Wait what?" Riker asked ignoring the fact that he was listening to the conversation.

"Tomorrow, all of us are going to go bowling as a group and I'm inviting my boyfriend Eric to meet you guys," Maia happily explained. Before Riker could say something else Rocky comes downstairs.

Once he saw Maia, he froze. "Why the hell is Maia here?" He suddenly asked. Her jaw dropped in shock. Why was he all of a sudden being mean to her? Oh wait-Maia already knew the answer:rejected.


"Let's go Riker, we have a date to get to,"

Ryder's eyes widened. "Dude..."she trailed off. "It's not like that!" Riker explained while opening the front door as Rocky and him both walk out.

Maia sighed. "This is all my fault," she told Rydel while covering her hands with her face. "No, it's not," Rydel smiled. "It's his fault for waiting for the right moment." She quoted.

"I hope you're right"

-With Raura-
"You watched me while I was sleeping in the hospital?" Laura quirked an eyebrow as Ross took a sip of water the waiter had just given them. "Well you make me seem like a stalker when you put it like that,"

"That's because you are one,"

"You were hurt, of course I was going to be watching over you 24/7. And the whole time I was with you nothing bad happened to you but the second I go take a piss Eric's lips are on yours."

"You do have a point but God dammit Ross get over it already, your lips are the only ones I want to kiss," Laura awkwardly stated. Ross stared at her. "Prove it,"

Her eyes widened as a smug signature Ross lynch billion dollar smirk came upon his lips. "Here?" She asked. Laura had no trouble kissing Ross in public but right now in the fancy restaurant Laura liked to call it felt as if all eyes were in them.

"Well yeah, what's wrong with doing it here?"

Laura looked at Ross. He then started laughing. "I didn't mean it like that,"

Laura giggled until Ross leaned over the table. "Unless you want to," he whispered. "Ross stop being gross!" Laura told him. He just winked at her as there food came.

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