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"You guys are what?" I ask in disbelief. She nods with a wide smile. "Yes,he asked me out yesterday. Aren't you happy for us?"

No."Of course..." I say with a fake smile, I've been practicing them and everyone believes the well besides Ross.

"Well, Me and Eric were heading to the office, we'll see you around." Sarah explained before she pulled Eric to walk to the office. "So,as I was saying;Laura you don't need to be jealous. I don't like Dove. I'll only love you and only you.Got that?" He told me while his eyes stared at my own. I nod my head still caught up in his trance.

"No, I will not come to your house to make you Mac and cheese.Do it yourself." I tell Rocky after he asked me for the freaking sixth time. "I c-can't," he says in almost a whisper.

"What?Why are you whispering?"

He looks down. "I-I don't really know how to cook it," he mumbles. My eyes widen as a laugh escapes my mouth.
"Oh my god you don't know how to cook m-" he covers my mouth. "Shut up..."

"How do you not know how to cook your favorite meal?No,how do you not know how to cook macaroni?!" I whisper and laugh once I take his hand away from my mouth. He shrugs. "I was only interested in eating it that I didn't really ever make it.My mom or some of my siblings usually cooks for me."

I pat Rocky's shoulder with a sigh. "Even though that's really sad, I'll see if I could come by tomorrow to teach you how to make freaking mac and cheese."

"Thanks Maia,and please don't tell anyone that I don't you know, know how to cook macaroni." He once again mumbled the last part. I roll my eyes.

He nods and walks away to his class. I was going to do the same but Dove approached me before I could do so.

"Maia,hey!" Dove smiles as she stands in front of me. My eyes widen. "Uh h-hi Dove? What's up?"

"Oh nothing, just only something very exciting...you know?thats all." She spoke like she wanted me to guess what she was so happy and bubbly about. I already knew.

"Um, okay. Well I should really get going to class..." I trailed off. She nodded. I walked away but she stopped me, again. "Oh and one more thing," she spoke.

I don't turn around to hear what she has to say but I stop and listen.

"I know that you, Ross and Laura are trying to get me to not like Ross anymore by him asking me out on a date and be a terrible boyfriend. I'm not dumb Maia, but I'm still going in that date and I'll steal Ross's heart one way or another."

My eyes widened.

"Laura, please don't make me do this" he whined as I picked out his outfit for his and Dove's date tonight."Ross, if you don't want to do it for yourself...then do it for me," I tell him.

"Do it yourself," He told me and I rolled my eyes. "Fine the I'll break up with you," I smirked. His jaw dropped. "What?No you can't do that!"

"Then you have to go on this date,"

"Laura I'd rather take you out on a date the her, can't we think of a new plan?" I frown. "It's just one date, now get changed, you are going to be picking her up in an hour."

He groans. "Okay, but wait. What are you going to be doing?"

"I am going to be in your room watching Netflix and I'll probably eat all of your food. You know, the usual..."

He chuckles and starts to change.
"Okay I'm going to go rich now. Bye Laura," he tells me before kissing my temple. "Have fun," I joke. He gives me a look. "I know, but one more thing." I spoke.


"Your phone, give me your phone."
He sighs without a comment and hands me his phone. "Why are you taking my phone, mom?"

I playfully rolled my eyes. "So you could pay attention to her on the date. We need to make this believable, k?Bye!" And with that I shove him out the door and lock him out of his own house.

Maia and Ariel insisted on "spying" on them. I told girls to leave the alone but they wanted to use some walkie talkies? I don't even know why when they could use their phones but; who am I to judge?
No one was at his house right now so I happily took Ross's favorite Ben and Jerry's ice cream that he told everyone directly not to eat out of the freezer abs ran upstairs after grabbing a huge spoon.

Am I the only one who loved to binge watch on Netflix or...?

I lay down on his bed and inhaled the scent of the blankets and pillows that smelt of him. I loved the smell of his cologne so, so much.

I turn on the walkie talkie that Maia gave me and let the night begin.

When I arrived at Doves front porch, I groaned in frustration. Why did Ryan have to move?!Since I had to act very 'rude' to her I didn't even bother getting out the car, I just honked my car horn a bunch of times until she finally got out of her damn house.

If this was a date with me and Laura, I'd buy her a bouquet of her favorite roses and go strait up to her door and knock. But this wasn't Laura, it was Dove.

"Hey Ross," she greeted with a huge smile. What in the hell was she wearing?If I wasn't that mean I would tell her she looks like the sluttiest slut out of all the sluts I've ever seen. Excuse my language.

"Hi..." I trail off not really interested in this date. "So where are we going?Oh wait don't tell me!Wait you know what? Tell me! No, don't never mind I want it to be a surp-"

I couldn't stand this. "We are going to see a movie," I cut her off.

Sorry for the wait! I PROMISE to update either today or tomorrow if I get at least 10 comment because I love reading your guy's opinions and thoughts.

Don't forget to...
And read my story : Campus Killers

Announcement: If you are reading Campus killers I just wanted to tell you that the book is close but not too close to ending sadly BUT I've decided that if the ending gets a bunch of good reviews I'll be doing a sequel called:
" Sorority Psycho's" lmao I know the tittle sucks but I like it and I wanted the tittle to rhyme?

I love you!!!
(Excuse any errors thanks)

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