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"You heard me,"
"Okay, why does everyone say I'm cheating on Laura?!"Ross angrily asked. "I thought you left," I explained. "I was in the bathroom..."
"Are you?" She asked. I rolled my eyes. "Vanessa leave him alone this is between you and me. There's another reason why you don't like me and Ross together isn't it?"

"What are you talking about?" Ross whispered to me. "You like him, that's why." I confessed. Now it was her turn to say "what?"

"Bye babe, call me when you're going to bed okay?" Ross commanded before kissing my forehead. We were coming back from our dinner date and there was so much traffic coming from there that we ended up here at 11pm. "I love you, thanks for taking me out." I smiled at him. "I love you," he returned the smile and let go of my hands before walking towards his house which was next door. I walk in my house with a bright smile on my face (even though the room was dark)as I thought about out peaceful night Ross and I shared.

I didn't bother turning on any lights until I heard a muffled voice in the kitchen.

"No, no one is home." It was Vanessa? What was she doing here?I didn't want to listen to her conversation with God knows who. So I quietly made my way upstairs in the dark until I heard Ross's name come out her mouth.

"She's dating Ross but I don't regret it,"

Regret what? What the hell,who was she talking to? I decided to walk a little bit closer to the kitchen to make sure what I was hearing was correct. As I felt my way closer to Vanessa through the dark. Instead I bump into a bookshelf I forgot existed. "Shit," I mumbled as Vanessa turned around. "Riker I'll call you back,someone's here." She whispered and quickly went to turn the lights on. I ran onto the the couch and lied there so she couldn't see me. "Who's there?"

When I don't reply, she just sighed and went upstairs, the sound of footprints finally faded and I got up from the couch. I need to know what she was talking about.

End of flashback~
"That was you?" Vanessa asked with a shock expression. "Vanessa tell me what you were talking about to Riker."

"Laur, you're my little sister and I'd do anything for you but there are something I have to keep to myself and from you. For your own good and protection."

"Bullshit! You don't know what my won good is and I can protect myself." I claim. "Well you'll have to trust me not this one, why don't you ask your little boyfriend what we were talking about, hmm?"

"I'm asking you! Not him!" By this time I'm getting angry that she's trying to put everything on Ross. Well I wasn't having that. Vanessa isn't my mom, I'm 18 and I don't have to listen to her anymore. Who cares if she is older than me by a couple of years? That doesn't give her the right to lie and boss me around and act as if I were a child.

"Well then I guess you'll never know," she replied. "Where the hell are you going?!" Vanessa shouted as I rolled my eyes,I was done putting up with my sisters crap all my life. I stormed upstairs to my room and slammed the door shut.
"Babe open up!We need to talk!" Ross knocked on my locked bedroom door. I got my suitcase out from my closet and started to pack clothes and anything I needed to stay away from her for as long as possible. I sighed and opened the door, well unlocking it and letting him in.

"Where the hell are you going?"he questioned with concern. Man, I'm really starting to despise this question. "I'm moving in with you,"

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