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She looked at me in shock. "What?I don't want to worry about it," I replied. "Well this just got awkward," I heard Ryland mumble. I roll my eyes. "And plus it's not even that big of a deal. What's wrong with being married in college anyways?" I questioned. "Not a big deal Ross?! It is a total big deal, and nothing is wrong with being married in college, it's just that-we are too young for that." While we stop at another signal again.

"Oh-oh I'm sorry, I didn't know that our age got in the way of our love," I tell her. "It's not like that. I can't marry someone who doesn't want to plan there future!" Laura raised her voice a bit. "I think I should go..." Ryland quietly explains while he unbuckled his seat belt. "Put that damn seatbelt on Ryland!" I shouted at him. "Okay then," he whispered.

"I already know what my future is Laura! Don't tell me that I don't know what I'm doing. And I can't marry someone who puts words into my mouth and thinks school is more important than us!"

"Oh really Ross?The what is your future hmm? You have-"

Already pissed off I didn't even start driving the car when the light turns green. "You,Laura! You are my future and that's all I want. I don't care about anything else but spending it with you." I admit, ignoring all the cars honking at us behind me.

Laura looks at me, thinking of what she wants to say. "Please,just take us home already," Her voice was barley a whisper. My eyebrows furrowed as I drove us home. "So I'm guessing the tacos are off of the table then?" My little brother asks.

I didn't answer him as me and Laura sat in silence while I pulled up on Laura's driveway. For a few seconds she didn't get out of the car,she was just sitting there,looking out the window.

"I never said I didn't want to marry you, I just think we are too young and I don't even know. I'm not ready for that. It will make me feel old,we are still in high school for crying out loud. I just wanted to spend our marriage days not worrying about school,that's all. Goodnight Ross,Ryland." She confessed as she got out the car.

"Laura wait!" I called out after quickly getting out of my car. Her full attention was on me again. With out any hesitation, I lean down at kiss her right on her pink plump and soft lips. I wrapped my arms around waist as she on my shoulders. I wanted to let her know that our argument was so stupid,we were being stupid and I wanted to let her know I was sorry with out having to tell her.

Once we pull away,sadly-she looks up at me with her dazzling chocolate eyes. "I love you,"

"Goodnight Laura!" Ry screamed from the car,ruining our perfect moment. I gave her one last peck on the cheek and ran back to the car. "You know, I don't get your guy's relationship. I mean, a few seconds ago you were both fighting like a married couple and now you were just making out on her driveway."

"Well,that's me and Laura for you. I can never be mad at her. I can't stand it,"
"Hey, you guys are finally home. And alive," Rydel says, giving Ryland "the look" once we got inside our house.

He dryly laughs. "Barley,"

"How was your guy's ride?" I asked as Rocky came down the stairs. "I should have rode with you Ross. It was so awkward!" He tells us while going into the kitchen,probably to eat a bowl of mac and cheese for all I care. "No,you are lucky that you rode with the single squad! It was like watching a romantic and sad movie. Ross and Laura were arguing the-"

"What?!" Rydel cuts in. She looked at me,like she was planning my death or something. "You guys were fighting?Why?My otp aren't supposed to fight!"

"It's fine,we are fine. You're 'otp' or whatever is fine. It was just a small disagreement,that's all."

"The worse part is,I didn't even get tacos,after watching then make out on Laura's driveway.

"Well as long as you guys made up, I can sleep in peace knowing there are no problems with your relationship with Laura," she smiled while taking a sip of her tea.

I nod as my grandmother and grandfather come down stairs. "Sadly,we have some bad news to give," Candice explains as the rest of my siblings and parents come into the living room. Greeting me and Ryland in the process.

"Me and your grandma are leaving tomorrow,earlier than expected." He frowned. "How is that bad news?" I questioned. Mom glared at me as I shrugged.

"Wait why?" Rocky wondered. "Our dog sitter is in the hospital,so we need to get back to our baby," Candice told us. "Wait,I thought you were a cat person?" My mom asked as my jacket that I still had on that also contained my phone vibrated.

"Oh well-you thought."

Her😍🙏:Ross! You won't believe what I just found out!Meet me on the balcony ASAP!

This sounded very urgent. I was literally just with Laura,what happened that was so interesting under like five minutes?

"I will have to excuse myself," I tell my family as I run up the stairs.

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