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Only a few more minutes until I'm off this plane. And best of all, away from thins kid. We weren't landing yet so I decided to go sit bug Laura since the girl she was sitting next to went to the bathroom.

"Hey babe," I say giving her a kiss. "Eww!" Luke, that annoying brat shouts. I roll my eyes as Laura laughs. "Hey, are you excited?" She asked. I nod and lay my head on her shoulder. "That kid is so freakin annoying," I admit. "Maybe you're the annoying one," She laughs to herself. I scoff."Sure,"

Then I see the girl Laura was sitting with make our way towards us. "Gotta go, I'll see you in a few."

Once Ross leaves Quin comes back. "We are going to land now." She says as she takes her seat and buckles herself. I nod. I look to my sister Vanessa, who has been sleeping half the time we were here.


"I'm going to miss Quin," I admit as I take my luggage. "I'm defiantly not going to miss Luke, he's a pain in the a-" Ross get cuts of by Vanessa. "Good for you Ross, now let's go see Dad." 

I nod as Ross checks his phone for the address. "Well he doesn't live that farm from the airport.It'll maybe take us 15-20 minutes,"

Vanessa nods. "Mom called in a taxi for us, I'm guessing there's a lot in the big apple," I give her a weird look."yeah let's just go."

It took us a half hour to get to Dads house due to the traffic on the streets. New York is absolutely amazing. The weather was my favorite kind of weather. Rainy,foggy and cold. I hated the summer time. Even in the winter it's still kind of hot in California. I'm so moving here next year.

We were stAnding in front of his house, which was massive. My dad is a famous recorder. He owns a recording studio and records famous singers. Mom said his office was in his basement. Laura always thought that basements were scary when we were little. Not all basements are like that. No, the could be brighter than some kids future. Not dark like in the movies. 

Laura rings the doorbell, that made a really catchy tune. And let me just say that it was loud. After a few seconds, someone opens the door. "Hello, how may I help you?" An elder woman says. I think she was the maid because she was wearing gloves and holding a mop.
"Yea we are here to see Mr.Marano; were his daughters." Laura explains. The woman nods and makes a way for us inside. "He's downstairs,"


"Dad?" Vanessa says as we walk into the basement that didn't even look like a basement. There was a recording booth, a bunch of vending machines, a pool table and a flat screen tv. "Girls, hi!" Laura and Vanessa run up to their dad and give him a hug.

"Hey how are you?Who's this?" He points at me with a smile. I don't know if I should say I'm Laura's boyfriend or not. "I'm Ross, Laura's f-" Laura cuts me off, surprising me. "Dad this is my boyfriend."

I gulp as his smile leaves his face.

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