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I couldn't believe it! Ariana was right. "Laura don't you believe me?" He asks grabbing my hands and looking into my eyes. I got really distracted when I looked at them. Everything around me would just stop and all I would see is his beautiful hazel eyes. Or brown it was hard to tell but they were still beautiful.

I sigh and look away, not this time Ross.

"Ross I don't know who to believe because this really looks bad." I confess. I stand up but he pulls me back down. "Laura I really wish I could tell you but I can't. " he tells me.

"Oh so you could tell Ariana but you can't tell me? Your girlfriend?" I say.

He sighs. " it's not like that and I didn't tell her anything." He says.

"Whatever, I'm leaving," I say standing back up.

"Laura do you not trust me?" He sadly asks.

I turn and look at him. "I'm not sure right now Ross, if you hide secrets from me I don't think I can" 

-Two weeks later-
Ever since Ross and Laura's fight, Laura has been ignoring Ross. While he kept on leaving for an hour everyday. Are they still together? Of course but all relationships have there flaws right?

Today was the day Ross was finally going to tell her what he has been doing.

I watch her as she does her homework on her balcony. I watched how she wrote things down so perfectly and how she flipped pages so perfectly- wow I really am crazy for Laura aren't I?

Today was the day I was going to tell her what I've been doing.

I run downstairs. "Are you guys ready?" I ask. Their response was a simple nod.

I sigh as I do my stupid homework on my stupid balcony. I was writing so fast my stupid pencil broke. I was still upset at Ross for keeping secrets from me.

And he didn't even try talking to me for two whole weeks. Why are guys so s- I was cut off by a beautiful sound. A guitar.

I turn around and gasp.

"          I've just come to realize the fire                    In your eyes

And baby lol these little sparks ignite until I just can't breathe...

And time and time and time and time again

I'm lying in the dark wondering where you are

I'm tryna , tryna, tryna find the medicine straight to my heart, it's tearing me apart...

I'm screaming Doctor Doctor
Bottle it up

I'm a believer believer
This love is a drug......."

He sang the whole song.

My smile was so wide. "Did you write that for me?" I ask in shock.

He nods. "And is this what you've been working the past weeks?" I ask.

He gives me a smile. I run up and hug him. "Ross I love you so much and I'm sorry I ever doubted you-" he shushes me with a passionate kiss. I felt so bad for what I've been doing to him. The whole drug thing. I pull away and frown.

"Why are you sad?" He says creasing my cheek with his index finder. I look into his eyes.

"I don't know why I would ever think you would be a drug addict Ross, I'm really really really sorry."

"I told you not to ever apologize to me," he slowly says. "I know but I'm so sorry. I thought you were a drug dealer and I went through your personal things without asking, it was just really stupid of me. And I want you to know that I 100% trust you and I didn't mean what I said that day." I ramble.

He chuckles. "I love you so much," Ross says before kissing me again.

"Awwww...." Rydel and Rocky say. I almost forgot they were there.

Ross turns his head still holding me. "Uh guys, we are trying to have a moment." He says.  I giggle.

They all mouth an "o" and quietly go back inside.

"I'm still really sorry Ross, I don't know what I was thinking accusing you of that." I say. I was embarrassed I would accuse Ross of something like this. I look down.

I gently lift her chin up with my pointer finger. "Hey, hey, hey Laura it's okay and everyone makes mistakes." I ensure her. I didn't want her to feel bad about this.

"How about we forget about the whole thing and I take you out on a romantic date?" I tell her while looking into her beautiful eyes that always seemed to glow.

Her eyes lit up. "Yes, we haven't had one in forever." She says.

"Great I'll pick you up at two," I say.

"It's already two." Laura tells me. I nod. "I know, I want to go right now." I say taking her hand. "Wait Ross," she takes her hand away.

"I need to get ready. I have to take a shower, change my clothes, do my hair and my makeup." She says about to walk inside.

"Laura, you already look perfect I love you and everything about you ." I just want her to know that she doesn't need all those things like makeup to be beautiful. She smiles. "You may think that but other people might not and I definitely don't please at least put my makeup on?" She pleads. 

"Fine but you don't need it, I'll be waiting downstairs." I say walking back to my room.

-Laura's new life-

"Thanks for helping me with song guys," I tell my siblings. "Of course now pay up," Rocky says holding his hand out. I roll my eyes and shove my hand in my pocket.

"Here" I say placing two quarters and a gum wrapper on his hand. "What's this?" Rydel asks holding up Rocky's hand. "You guys are my family you would've done in for free." I say.
"And plus I'm taking Laura out today so I'm not giving you any money right now." I say grabbing my keys of the kitchen counter. 

"Oooh Raura date" Rikers says wiggling his eyebrows. "Yeah yeah now leave me alone, unless you know were I should take her." I say.

"I know, take her to Hawaii!" Ryder's says.

"No, not for a date and what's up with you and Hawaii?" I ask giving her a look. She just shrugs and gets up.

"Any other ideas ?"

"How about a movie?" Ellington asks.

"We see a movie every Friday for our movie night something different." I say. 

They give me a bunch of ideas but I turn all of the down. Then the doorbell rings. "That's Laura, bye guys thanks for the ideas I won't use," I say and grab my jacket.


"Oooh Raura date!"

What do you think is going to happen? Will it end well? Or will Ariana destroy it?

Don't forget to...

Read my story "Campus killers"

-I love you all-
-Stay fabulous-

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