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"Ross Shor Lynch!" My dad called out after me. Knowing that if I ran to Laura and they found out-I'd probably be banned from seeing her again. I curse under my breath and quickly trot downstairs. What now?

"Yes?" I really hope they were not going to lecture me about anything right now, not when something is wrong in Laura's mind.

"We weren't done talking. Me and your father-" my mom started but Rocky cut her off. "Actually, it is your father and I,"

"Rocky be quiet." I murmur. "What did you need to tell me?" That was so important that I'm not already at Laura's balcony?

"your grandparents feel the need to live about 60 miles away, because they feel like we never ever see each other. So,your father and I,"Mom paused and gave Rocky a look. "Will be helping them move in. Riker, will be in charge of you crazies when we are in Colorado.Speaking of Riker, where is he anyways?"

"Wait you guys will be in Colorado?For how long? And why is Riker in charge?What does he have that we don't?" Ryland asks. 

"Common sense," My dad replied. By now,my leg kept shaking. I was so anxious to get to my girlfriend. I could care less that my parents will be gone right now. "Now where is Riker?" Everyone including me shrugs.

"What is that supposed to mean?!" Ryland questioned while squinting his eyes. "Have you noticed that your shirt was on backwards?" Dad asks. I followed my eyes as Ryland pouted. I really did not have this time.

Her😍🙏: Ross where are you??I'm waiting!!

Is it weird that I loved how she over exaggerated? No, I love her in what ever she does.

"How long will you be gone?" I ask, I really just want this conversation to end already.

"A few weeks is all." He explains. "Okay,well is that it all.," I trailed if before dashing out the room and up the stairs before they could even start to call after me again.

I ran up to my room and lock the door behind me. Then I see her on the other side of my sliding glass doors. She was standing there, looking down and leaning on the rail of her balcony like a princess.

Queen actually.

I open the door and her shot up. She didn't look sad, but very excited. "You don't seem hurt, why were you so urgent to have me here? Did you miss me or something? Laura if you wanted me tonight you could have told me," I smirked while leaning in to kiss her but she laughs and puts a hand on my chest.

"No stupid, I discovered something very life changing a few hours ago." She smiled. I raised an eyebrow.

"More life changing than us having sex?"

She gives me a weird look. "How is us doing that life changing if we've already done it? What the hell, that's not what the topic is." She tells me as Laura grabbed my hand and pulled me inside her room and dragged me to Vanessa's room. Well, in front of it actually. "Why are we in front of your sisters room?

"Because..she's in there."

"You really need to be more specific baby, I'm so confused."

"She's locked in there with Riker,"

Oooooh that's where he was. "What why?They hate each other."

"I know, but look at this..." She bit her lip and opened the door.

Holy shit.


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