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The next few weeks were the hardest on Brooklyn

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The next few weeks were the hardest on Brooklyn. We all stood with her as we laid her family to rest. Jasper and I held her hands as they lowered her family into the ground. She cried as she didn't want them to leave her. It broke my heart to see her hurt. I did my best to comfort her. But she fully didn't understand why they had left her.

Edward wanted nothing to do with her. So when we were cleaning out her family's home he went hunting. We sold what Brooklyn wouldn't need and kept all the important things and some sentimental things for Brooklyn to remember her family. "I want to tell her that she is not alone. That I am Major Jasper Whitlock. That I am her family." Jasper says out of the blue. I nod my head at him.

"I think that would be good. Then she will know she still has family." I say as we both look at Brooklyn who is playing with Ian. I smiled as she talked him into a tea party. Rosalie was having the most fun with this as she would take pictures of him with a crown on.

"Should we save him?" I ask as Jasper shakes his head at me. I laughed as it was funny!

"Nope cause then one of us will be wearing the crown!" He says as he points at me. I laughed as she had already got both of us to play tea party with her. Ian laughs as he picks my little make and swings her around. She screams, making me growl at him. I watch her run to me and hide behind me. She laughs as she stands behind me. Ian laughs as I cross my arms at him.

"She doesn't want me to eat her belly!" He says, I shake my head at him. Brooklyn has brought out all of our human sides. Minus Edward. I smile down at my mate as she holds on to my leg.

"Brooklyn, lunch is ready!" Esme says as she walks up the stairs.

"Ok!" Brooklyn says, as she looked at Ian and smiled before taking off down the stairs. We all laughed before she screamed and we rushed to her.

I growled when I saw Edward blocking her way into the kitchen. He was glaring down at Brooklyn. I picked her up and pushed past him. "What is wrong with you?" I heard Ian say as I sat with Brooklyn as she picked at her food. "She doesn't belong here!" Edward said, making me growl and Brooklyn to whimper.

"Sorry, Baby girl! I didn't mean to scare you!" I tell her as she looks away from me. I sighed as I didn't like it when she wouldn't look at me. I could hear everyone fighting in the other room.

"I'm not that hungry!" She said as she pushed her food away. I knew that wasn't true so I picked her up and placed her on my lap.

"Try to eat a little more... For me!" I said as she nodded her head. I pull her plate over to us. I watched as she ate her sandwich and most of her chips.

"I am going to go play outside!" She says as she hops off my lap. She was sad and I didn't like it. I walked into the room that my family was in.

"I don't know what your problem is with my mate but stay the hell away from her. She has done nothing to you!" I yelled in Edward's face.

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