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None of us were surprised when Edward took Bella home after what Alice said and the fact that we all stared at Bella when she said there would need to be changes

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None of us were surprised when Edward took Bella home after what Alice said and the fact that we all stared at Bella when she said there would need to be changes. Hell we were even surprised when Bella had a tantrum as they were leaving. Claiming she had every right to be here as the rest of us and how she was just as much a part of our family as Brooklyn was. How she wasn't just his blood singer but his mate that he chose. Unlike Brooklyn. But that went for the rest of us as well. As we had found our mates in a similar way.

"It's sad when that becomes the norm!" Ian said and I nodded my head. It was too normal for us. But soon it wouldn't be. I just hoped that Carlise and Esme agreed once I brought it up that it was time for us to leave even if Edward didn't come with us. That it was time to think about us and not him for once.

"What did you see?" Jasper asked, making me and Brooklny to turn to her.

"Bella just being Bella. But it was strange. I had had this vision earlier but this one was different. There really wasn't an ending. It was just all of us passing the leaving Forks sign." She said as she looked over at Brooklyn. "Like someone was planning something that would change the way it ended. Or more than one person." She said and Emmett started to laugh.

"I think that could have been any of us. Hell, we all have enough reasons to want to leave and never return." He said and this made us all laugh.

"No! It was set in stone. We won't be here much longer! I just don't know where we will all end up." She said and I smiled. That was a good thing.

"Good it is about time we moved on and left the human behind." I said as I started to plan what I would pack first. I knew we were going to have the wedding here in a month so we would have to stay for that as we had already paid the vendor.

"Edward will be back." Alice said and I huffed as I was so over all of this. "He wants to talk about what I saw! He is scared that we will leave and truly kick him out of our family." She said and I huffed again.

"It is not his business what we do. He lost that right the moment he brought her here." Jasper said as He wrapped an arm around her.

"I know but he thinks... He can change our minds. And that we will welcome her in with open arms." She said and I out right, laughed at him.

"He isn't changing my mind." I said with a hiss as I was about to give him a real piece of my mind this time around. I wasn't going to hold back any more. My mate and godson were more important than him and his blood singer.

 My mate and godson were more important than him and his blood singer

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Love & Happiness- Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now