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Months later

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Months later

I smiled as I watched Broklyn waddle around. She was so cute with her baby bump. I smiled as Ian and I were playing a game and Brooklyn was pacing behind us. This wasn't unusual as she would do it when I would go hunting for her and our son. The more he grew the less any of us wanted her to hunt. And I was more than happy to bring her my kills. "Baby what is wrong?" I asked when I heard her sigh for the fifth time in under three minutes.

"I am over this!" She said and I chuckled at her. I knew she was only saying that as she wanted to go hunting for herself. SHe was always hungry. And I knew she hated that as well.

"You have only been pregnant for... What six months?" I questioned as I turned to look at her. Our son was growing faster than a normal child but nothing that was scaring us. Not any more that is.

"Then you carry him!" She sassed back at me. I smiled at her before getting up and walking to her.

"I am sorry!" I said as I wrapped my arms around her. "What can I do to help you?" I asked and she sighed as I placed my hands under her belly and slightly lifted. I knew this would help her just a little as I had read about the pressures a baby puts on the female body. I didn't think it would work as she is a vampire but I soon found out that she loves it.

"That feels nice!" She said and leaned her head against my chest. I smiled as I continued to do that. I never thought about what she was going through. Her body should have stopped changing once she was changed but with our son inside of her womb. Her body was making room for him and I knew it scared her. I had overheard her say how ugly she would be after our son was born and how I wasn't going to want her as a mate. I quickly shut that down. Letting her know that I would always want her that she was the sexties thing I had ever seen and nothing and no one would change that.

"Carlisle said you could go into labor any day now! Are you ever going to tell us the name you two have picked out?" Rsalie said as she walked in with shopping bags that were clearly from a baby store.

"More things for the baby?" I asked as we didn't have any room left in the nursery for more. She rolled her eyes at me and I frowned as Brooklyn huffed. I looked down at her and she was holding her belly. "Baby? Is it?" I asked and she just shook her head.

"Rib shot! I am fine. Little man has a mean kick!" She said as she started to rub her ribs. I sighed as I picked her up and carried her to the couch.

"You should be resting!" I said as I laid her down. I hated that I couldn't do much to ease her pain.

"I can't sit still. I feel like something is wrong!" She said and I looked at her concerned. "Not with the baby! Just like something is wrong! I can't put my finger on it." She said and I shook my head. I didn't need her worrying about anything other than our child. But I knew what she meant. Alice had been acting weird and we all knew it had to do with Edward.

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