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I sighed as I laid with Emmett! This was our first family moment we have had since I had given birth to Jace

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I sighed as I laid with Emmett! This was our first family moment we have had since I had given birth to Jace. "This is nice! Just the three of us." He said as he looked down at our sleeping boy. I smiled as I looked at the two people that had stolen my heart. "I was thinking about moving us to our place." He said, making me look up at him with a smile.

"I like that idea! Just us being a family!" I said as I placed my hand on his face. He hummed and I just giggled at him. "Calm yourself my love!" I said and he turned his dark eyes on me.

"How can I when my mate touches me like she does." He said and I only shook my head. He cupped my face and sighed. "You need to feed!" He said before carefully moving off of the bed. "I will go and hunt and bring you back something good!" He said and I shook my head.

"I can hunt for myself!" I said as I sat up just a little.

"You are still healing and you need to rest." He said and I shook my head. "Brook. Please!" He said and I slowly nodded my head. "I will have Ian and Jasper come with me." He said and I just smiled at him. "Once you are healed then we will go hunting together. But until then you rest." He said and I smiled up at him.

"OK!" I said as he smiled at me. He leaned down and kissed our son's head before kissing my lips. I wasn't surprised when Rosalie walked into our room.

"Go hunt, we got her!" She said and I scoffed. Which only made her smile even more. "You know what I mean." She said and I just laughed at her.

"Love you!" Emmett whispered into my ear. Before I could tell him that I loved him he was out the window and running Ian and Jasper right behind him.

"Boys!" Rosalie said as she joined me in my bed. "How are you feeling?" She asked as she picked up my sons.

"Strangely tired!" I said and at that Carlisle came walking in.

"That may be normal. I am not sure. Since you are the first." He said and I shook my head at him.

"I tried to close my eyes but no sleep came to me. So I am sure my body is tired and working overdrive to heal itself." I said and he only nodded his head at me. But still proceed to check me over.

"We can never be too careful." He said and I sighed. I lifted my shirt and was happily surprised that my stomach was back to normal. "You are healing rather fast. Even for a vampire." He said as he nodded for me to pull my shirt down. "But I think you should take it easy for another day or two." He said and I sighed again.

" He said and I sighed again

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Love & Happiness- Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now