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I stood outside with Edward as he just thought about all that had happened since Bella came to town

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I stood outside with Edward as he just thought about all that had happened since Bella came to town. Or at least that was what I hoped he was thinking about. But knowing him he was thinking about how he could turn back into his favor. As he couldn't be anything then the good son. No matter what he did he always made sure he was protreaded that way even though he never was a good son. "You are right! I never cared about what was really going on. The people I was hurting. I only wanted to be with Bella. I never thought past me and her!" He said and I nodded my head at him.

"That was clear long ago." I said as he shook his head. "Look I get that you weren't happy when I came into the picture. I changed so much being a child and human. But what you put me through. Was cruel and unnecessary. Have you noticed that none of the things you did to me was ever done to Bella?" I said and he nodded his head.

"I know and for that I am thankful! She isn't as strong as you are. She would fear me if you all did what I did." He said and I scoffed at him.

"Not all of us are monsters like you!" I said, making him look at me shocked and hurt.

"Is that how you see me? As a monster?" He asked and I frowned at him.

"It's what I know you as! I know you as nothing else!" I said and he shook his head. I knew he hated being called a monster. But it was true. In my eyes he was a monster. He would forever be a monster to me. He would be the monster in the stories I told my son.

"I am so sorry Brooklyn. I know what I did was wrong but I hated that I was the only one that didn't have a mate. I knew that I would never have what you and Emmett have. And I took it out on you! It wasn't right and for that I am truly sorry. I hope one day you will be able to forgive me." He said and I frowned even more.

"You are only sorry because the family chose to leave you behind once and for all. That all your mind games aren't working any more. That now you will be forever alone. Only having Bella by your side." I said as he shook his head at me.

"What can I do to fix all of this? There has to be something that I can do to fix all of this?" He asked and I laughed just a little.

"You were already told what to do. It is no one's fault but your own that you didn't listen and change your ways." I said and he sighed before turning and walking back into the trees. "I am also supposed to tell you that you can no longer use the Cullen name. That the treaty that Carlisle set up with the pack no longer applies to you! Since you are no longer a Cullen." I said and I pain in his eyes when he turned to look at would have killed me if it was anyone else besides him. But it was him and It almost made me smile that he was now facing the reality of his actions.

"So I will be a nomad?" He asked and I nodded my head at him. Nomads were, far game in our eyes as well as the packs.

"If you truly want to be with her... You should take her and run and never return. As the pack will kill you on site! That much has been made clear to us." I said before I turned back to the house.

"She doesn't want to leave until after the wedding." He said and I frowned before I turned to look at him. He couldn't mean mine and Emmett's wedding. "I asked her to marry me. I was hoping that we could do a double wedding. But I know now that will never happen." He said before he took off into the woods. I shook my head as I was confused as to why he would ever think Emmett and I would be ok with sharing our wedding day with Him and Bella Swan.

 I shook my head as I was confused as to why he would ever think Emmett and I would be ok with sharing our wedding day with Him and Bella Swan

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I wasn't shocked with what Brooklyn and Edward had said to each other. I wasn't even shocked that Edward clearly thought he had a chance to fix all the damage he had created. But what Shocked mt was that he thought that Brooklyn and I would share our wedding day with him and Bella. Even with knowing how Brooklyn and I felt about her he still thought we would do that for him. "He really has lost his mind!" Ian said as he stood next to me in case Edward tried anything. I knew he was smarter than that but with him you never really know.

As the next few days went on it was like Edward had finally listened to us. Ian and I finished what we could of mine and Brooklyn's place as it would sit abandoned for the next 70 years or so. I hated that we would never live in it as a family as I did everything to keep her and Jace safe.

It wasn't until the fourth day did we know something was wrong. And Bella was the one to come to us. She pulled up in her nosies truck looking sad and disappointed. Nothing new whenever she came here. As she always thought we should be on our knees whenever she was around. We all walked outside and waited to hear what she had to say.

"Have you all seen Edward?" She asked as she messed with her own fingers. "He left the other night to go hunting and hasn't been back. I thought he was just upset about how our talk went but now that a few days have past I know that isn't the case. I think something happened to him." She continued to babble on but I had stopped listening to her.

"I am sorry Bella. But we haven't seen him since that night! When he came here to convince us to change our minds." Carlisle said as he looked at her with no emotion on his face.

"He came here?" She asked as she looked only at Carlisle.

"Yes." He said as he still gave away no emotion to her.

"So he talked to you all about the wedding? About us sharing the day?" SHe asked as a smile spread on her face.

"NO!" Carlisle said. "He came here hoping to change our minds about leaving without him. And in turn you!" He said, making her smile fall. "He did mention Emmett and Brooklyn's wedding but knew that it would never be a joint wedding. Knowing what the two of you have done to destroy my family!" He said, making me chuckle a little.

"Not sure why he ever thought it was a good idea to begin with?" I said as I sent Bella a glare. "They aren't mine or Brooklyn's family!" I hissed as her eyes went wide.

"So where is he? If he isn't here? Then where would he have gone?" She asked as she looked scared.

"Scared are you?" Jasper said as he sent her a smirk. "Scared you lost your chance?" He asked as she shook her head.

"N-no! I am w-worried! He has never been away this long before!" She shuddered as she tried to remain calm. But you could see it in her eyes. She wasn't worried, she was scared that he finally saw her for what she was and what she wasn't.

"Maybe to be the real monster!" Brooklyn said as she finally walked outside. She handed Carlisle the newspaper and the headline was another disappearance of a young girl. If we didn't know any better I would have said that the picture was of Bella. But this girl had a little more than her.

"Edward isn't a monster! He is a good guy! He wouldn't hurt anyone! And what is that?" Bella asked as she took a step closer to Carlisle. "Carlisle, you need to tell them! Edward wouldn't do anything to ruin what we have together. He loves me and wouldn't hurt me!" She said as she took one more step closer.

"They all know what Edward is. Some more than others." He said as he looked at Brooklyn. "And not everything is about you Bella. Something you haven't learned." He said as he turned back to her. "I will contact Aro. If this was in fact Edward we will need their help!" He said and I nodded my head. Even though I didn't want them here I knew that Edward would use what he knows against us. I knew that it was time to tell them about Jace. I feared what might happen but Jace was a good boy. 

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