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All I wanted was one day that Bella Swan, the pack and Edward didn't ruin

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All I wanted was one day that Bella Swan, the pack and Edward didn't ruin. I sighed as I kept control of this new power I had. Even though it was hard and was taking a lot out of me. I knew that If I let it down the pack would attack. And that was something I wouldn't let happen.

What happened next was something I wasn't expecting to happen. "I know you all want me to be punished for my kills." Edward said as he moved to lower my hands. I shook my head as he only nodded his head at me. "It is ok!" He said as he slowly lowered my hands.

"You will be punished for what you have done." Sam growled out.

"And you think you have the right to punish me for them?" Edward asked as this confused not only myself but my family and the pack. "Do you even read about what they had done?" He asked and I frowned at him as I moved away from him and over to my uncle and son. Emmett stayed close to me as well. "They weren't just girls that looked like her!" He said as he nodded his head over at Bella.

"What are you talking about Edward?" Carlisle asked as he moved closer to Edward. I tried to focus on the wall of fire. Keeping it up and keeping them away from us.

"Each one of them had a hidden past, one that was in the news about them." Edward said and I frowned at him again.

"What are you talking about?" Sam asked as Edward pulled pieces of newspaper out of his pocket. "Keeping mementos?" Sam asked with a growl.

"No! But I knew you would come for me." He said as he turned and whispered sorry to me and Emmett. "The first girl... She murdered her little sister in cold blood and was running from the cops and her family." He said and I was shocked as he held out the newspaper about her. "Read it! All of it!" He said as he turned to me and nodded his head. I let the fire wall down but only while he handed it over to Sam.

"That doesn't matter!" He said, making Edward shake his head.

"Maybe not to you! But you should hear what her family had to say about her death. They called it a blessing that the monster that killed their baby was now rid of this world. That the world was just a little bit better now that she was gone." He said as the pack all glared at him.

"But I have done nothing like that!" Bella yelled and like we all knew she would have to make it about herself.

"I never said you did." Edward said as he handed the newspapers to Carlisle to reread. "Yes I hunted humans. Yes I killed people you think to be innocent. But they weren't innocent. They were monsters just like me!" He said as he looked only at Bella now. "But I am not the only monster that stands here!" He said as he looked at Bella still.

"Are you calling me a monster?" She asked and I did my best to quiet my laugh. She of course glared at me.

"The longer I was away. The more I noticed all that you had done. And yet I still love you! Even though you can't love me how I love you!" Edward said as he then turned to Jake. "But you are not the only monster Bella." he said as Jake scoffed at him in wolf form. "I know many of you have noticed the way he spins his stories." He said and I was now confused. I mean yeah Edward can read minds but I was always told that it was only what they were thinking at that moment. So what were they thinking about that made him say that.

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