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I smiled for the first time in two days as my mate let me not only hold her but feel our son move

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I smiled for the first time in two days as my mate let me not only hold her but feel our son move. "I am sorry baby! I really was doing what I thought was best for the three of us." I said as I covered our bodies with the sheet. It had been so long since we had sex and I was living off the high of one amazing rump in the sheets with my mate. After we talked I couldn't take it any more. I quickly took her to our room and had my way with her. Carlisle had advised against us having sex after she was changed and I agreed thinking it was best for our son as I was a bit ruff with her in the woods. That wasn't the start of my bad decision making but it clearly pissed her off enough to start seeing that I did a lot to make the family happy. Even if it upset her.

"I know!" She said and I frowned at her as she sent me a sly smile, making me roll my eyes at her. We laid there for a few more minutes before we heard the cars pull up. I rolled my eyes again as I knew that a new fight was headed our way. But I would do right by Brooklyn and our son. I would let them all just lay down and let Edward walk all over us again.

"Guess it is time to get up!" I said, making Brooklyn hiss. I chuckled as Edward was in for a real surprise. I smiled at her as I walked to our closet and pulled out a nice dress for Brooklyn to wear.

"Are you dressing me now?" She asked as she eyed the dress. I smiled and nodded my head. I had picked this out just for her and have been dying to see her in it.

"I picked it out a while ago and I think today is the day you wear it!" I said as I placed it as well as some panites and a bra on the bed for her. "You won't need shoes!" I said and this made her sit up.

"Keep going!" She said and I smiled even bigger. It was a well known fact that since our son started to grow faster that Brooklyn refused to wear shoes unless someone... I.E. me, put them on for her and took them off.

"No shoes and it can easily be taken off. No zippers or ties. Just over the head and that is it!" I said as she picked the dress up and looked at it. I smiled as I handed her the rest of her clothes.

"Are you going to help me put it on?" She asked and I smirked and nodded my head.

"Sure... I will also help you take it off!" I said as I leaned down and kissed her. "But I might just tear it off of you.!" I said just before our lips met.

"Like it even more now!" She said when I pulled back. We both got dressed and walked out of our room. Before we went down to the living room I pulled her into the nursery. Now that things were better between us. I wanted her to see what I had done with the nursery. But I also knew I needed to make one at our place as well. I had a feeling she would want to have time with just the three of us.

"It isn't the same as I had put a few new things into this room." I said as she walked around the room. "I have even put a keypad on the door. Only our fingerprints will open it." I said as I put my hands in my pockets. "I wanted to make sure that Edward wouldn't be able to invade this space like he did ours." I said and Brooklyn smiled at me. "I will also be making it more than clear that Bella is to stay away from the three of us." I said and this caused Brooklyn to kiss me. I growled as this kiss held lust in it. "Baby don't start something we can't finish!" I said with a groan.

"Who says we can't finish?" She asked with a smile. Her once gold eyes are now black.

"Brooklyn... Emmett! We're back!" We heard Rosalie yell, this made us both groan. I took her hand in mine and walked us out of the nursery.

I was shocked when Emmett and Brooklyn walked into the living room

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I was shocked when Emmett and Brooklyn walked into the living room. How is it possible that she is pregnant? I looked at Alice and she was smiling. It was clear she had been hiding a lot from me. Or was it to keep Bella out of our family. It upset me that they had been keeping this a secret. I was family after all. I had a right to know. "I wanted to start by saying I am sorry." I said as I looked at each one of my family members. I made sure that Brooklyn was the last. "I wanted to also tell Brooklyn that I am really sorry for how I treated you. You didn't do anything to me but I still treated you like crap. You will never know how sorry I am for that." I said but she didn't smile or say anything to me. She just stared at me. It was clear that she wasn't going to forgive me that easily.

"I hope you don't believe that one small I am sorry will fix all you have done!" Ian said and I sighed but nodded my head. I had hoped it would. But it was clear in their thoughts that it was never going to be enough.

"I see that now." I said as I looked over at my brother. He was clearly not happy with me, none of them were. "Will you all let me explain what has happened?" I asked and they all agreed. Well all but Brooklyn and Emmett. I sighed as it was clear they didn't want me near Brookly and their child. "I would like to start by saying I know that I have overstepped and for that I am sorry." I said as I read all their thoughts. Yet again they didn't believe me. Which was getting annoying. I wondered what Brooklyn thought. I looked into her eyes and for the first time I realized they were gold. I looked at Emmett and then her belly.

"What is it?" I asked and this set everyone off. I stepped back as I was now scared of my family.

"It's a baby!" Rosalie hissed at me. It was clear that they all were very protective of Brooklyn before but now they would be of her child.

"I am sorry!" I said as I looked back at Brooklyn. "I just thought you were still human." I said as I turned to Alice. "Why didn't you say anything to me about what was going on?" I asked as Alice just rolled her eyes at me.

"Because of Bella!" She said and I frowned at her. "Emmeet and Brooklyn don't want her in their lives. So she has no right to know anything about them." She said and I nodded my head.

"But you could have told me!" I said as I still felt like I had a right to know.

"It wasn't her place to say anything!" Emmett said and I was shocked. His thoughts were all about keeping it from me. They never planned to tell me anything. They didn't even want me here now.

"We are family!" I said and Brooklyn scoffed at me. Emmett pushed her behind him as it was clear he was just as pissed as she was.

"We are not family!" She said as she sent me the meanest glare my way.

"Brooklyn, I knew I was mean to you but you are my baby sister. I was just hurt that I was the only one who didn't have someone." I said and this made everyone scoff at me. "I am trying here." I said as I looked at each one of them. "Let me explain all that happened. And I need to start with Why James went after Brooklyn in the first place." I said as I pulled out the video tape he had made.

"You have known why he went after my niece and didn't say anything?" Jasper asked as Alice looked at me confused.

"I have watched that video. And nowhere on there does it say anything about Brooklyn!" Alice yelled at me.

"I cut that part out after I watched it." I said as I pulled the other tape out of my pocket. "This is the one you saw. This is everything that happened." I said as I moved over to the TV. I knew I was in trouble with all of them but I hoped they would see that I was only protecting her as well.

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