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"Why have you hid this from us? What gives you the right to do such a thing? Who are you to decide what is best for Brooklyn? You are not her guardian, her uncle or her mate

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"Why have you hid this from us? What gives you the right to do such a thing? Who are you to decide what is best for Brooklyn? You are not her guardian, her uncle or her mate." Carlisle said as we watched Edward move over to the TV. It was clear he was hiding more than just this tape. He looked at Carlisle hurt. Hurt at his tone? I wondered. It made me wonder what else he had been hiding. What else he was keeping from us for his blood bag.

"Because you would only blame Bella and I more." He said as he looked at me. "If I had listened and not brought Bella to the clearing. Then..." He said but stopped. It was clear he was struggling to choose the right words. "Then they wouldn't have come." He said and this made everyone confused.

"What do you mean? Are you saying they came because of her? You put Brooklyn in danger because of her?" Ian asked as he moved in front of me. Emmett pulled me against his chest. I felt his lips on my hair. Trying his best to remain calm.

"They had picked up her scent in the wood. From when we were out there and I was telling her my story. They were following it when it became stronger the closer they got to the clearing. They had heard us but weren't planning on getting close as there were too many. But then her scent became too strong. They wanted to feed. They wanted her." He said and this made everyone growl. It was clear they were pissed. But why hide the video? What could be on it that would make him hide it?

"Please just watch and then let me explain." Edward said as he picked up the remote and turned the TV on. He moved to sit as the rest of us stood. I heard him sigh as the video started to play. I rolled my eyes as Bella ran calling out for her mother.

No one was really paying much attention until Bella asked why he had gone after her when there was another human in the clearing. Why her over me?

"Oh, she will meet her end soon. Besides your friend Alice she was the only one to escape me. Victoria was finishing off her oldest brother while I was chasing after her. For a small human she was fast and her scent faded and would pop back up a few hundred feet away. She made it hard to track." We heard him say. I watched the video more as did Emmett and Jasper. Victoria was the one to kill Jace. I hissed and Jasper placed a hand on my shoulder.

"She will pay for what she did! Just like he did!" He said and I nodded my head. Knowing that was true. But she would die at my hands.

"But then she was protected by that coven." He hissed as he threw Bella across the room. "But that won't stop me this time. Maria will be glad to know that I not only found the girl but I also found the one that betrayed her. Left her and her young ones to be beaten. Their territory to be stolen. She has had me track down every last member of his family and kill them. And I did but that little bitch was the only one to get away from me. And now that I found her she will face Maria." He said and I looked to my uncle. It was clear he was pissed as he set his sights on Edward who now looked scared shitless. Carlisle paused the video and looked at Edward.

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