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I was pissed when Alice told us that Bella had figured us out

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I was pissed when Alice told us that Bella had figured us out. I ran up to my sleeping mate. She was fast asleep and safe for now. Edward walked up behind me and sighed. "If your blood bag brings any danger to my mate I will kill you both." I said as I slammed our door in his face. I watched as my mate slept. It wasn't until the early hours of the morning did I leave to go hunt. I refused to leave her alone with Edward. Ian agreed to look after her.

"Are you really afraid of leaving Brooklyn alone with me?" Edward asked as I walked out the back door.

"I have never trusted you with her. You made it clear that you dislike her, even hate her." I said as I continued to walk away from him.

"And how do you feel about me being with Bella?" He asked as I scoffed at him.

"If she makes you happy then so be it. But you need to stop trying to get my mate to help you. She has told you, she wants nothing to do with this girl and neither do I!' I said before I started to run. I could still hear him grumbling. But my focus was on my mate. Staying strong for her. Being ready for whatever was coming. When morning came and we were all at school and watching Edward walk off with Bella. I pulled my mate closer. Jasper, Rosalie and Ian moving closer to us.

"We need to have another meeting." Ian said and I nodded my head. We all needed to be ready for what danger this girl could bring to our family, now that she knows about us. "We won't let anything happen to Brook!" He said and I nodded my head again. I was thankful for my family. Jasper took hold of my mate's hand. They looked at eachother and he nodded his head. I knew they were talking through their emotions.

"Let's head home now. With this and the nomads I do not want my niece out in the open." Jasper said, making Alice pout.

"It is really not that bad. I mean we will all be meeting her soon and you will see she isn't as bad as you all think." She said and I rolled my eyes at her. I pulled Brooklyn over to my jeep and helped her in. Ian and Rosalie got in with us. Alice and Jasper drove Edward's car. I looked over at my mate every other minute to make sure she was alright. She rested her head on the window clearly annoyed with what was going on. Esme met us at the door looking confused.

"I'll call Carlisle!" She said when her eyes landed on Brooklyn and Rosalie. "You all go wait in the living room." She said and I wrapped my arm around my mate. I guided her into the living room and had her sit on my lap. It only took Carlisle a few minutes before he was home. He had gone in early due to a car accident.

"Carlisle you need to put a stop to this." Ian said as he glared at our leader and father figure. "I love my brother but he is now just being stupid. He isn't only putting us in danger but Brook. This girl has already caused enough problems." He said and I nodded my head.

"Carlisle... Brooklyn is your daughter. You need to put her before any of us." I said as Ian and Jasper nodded their heads at me. Carlisle sighed and nodded his head.

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