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I was confused as to why I couldn't stay with Emmett

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I was confused as to why I couldn't stay with Emmett. Alice didn't say another word about it after I needed to get home. Alice pulled me out of the jeep and up into mine and Emmett's room. All but shoving me into the bed. I wasn't hurt but pissed. "What the fuck! Who do you think you are!" I screamed as I went to open the door. But it wouldn't open. "Are you fucking serious right now Alice?" I yelled as I hit and kicked the door. "God I hate you!" I screamed as I continued to hit and kick the door. After about 10 minutes I moved to our windows.

"Are you kidding me Alice, you locked her in our room? Like she is a child. What is wrong with you?" I heard Emmett yell. I didn't hear what anyone else said. I opened the window ready to jump out. I knew I would get hurt but I didn't care. I was pissed and I was going to make it known that she had no right to treat me like she has. I was just about to jump when I was pulled back and out of the window.

"What are you doing, Brooklyn?" I heard Emmett say as he put me on the bed. I glared at him before making my way to the door. He was in front of the door, before I could take two steps. "I asked you a question?" He growled at me. I stopped and was shocked. He has never talked to me like that. His eyes went wide as well and he went to say something but I turned and walked into our bathroom. Making sure to slam the door.

I was so mad that I wasn't fully thinking. And I just started to pack my things. Emmett knocked but I was too upset to even look at him. "Brooklyn... Please stop. Baby, please!" He said as I glared at the door. I opened it up and walked past him. Putting my travel bag on the bed. I went to my closet and grabbed a few clothes before moving to my dresser. "What are you doing?" He asked as I ignored him.

"Brooklyn honey... What's going on?" Esme asked as I wanted to break but knew I couldn't until I was alone. I wouldn't let them know how pissed and hurt I was by all of this.

"I need to get away from here. Everyone still treats me like I am five years old. And I am sick of it. Even my so-called mate!" I said as I put all my things into another bag. I picked it up and walked out of Emmett's room. I walked down the stairs with both Esme and Emmett following me. I grabbed my keys to my car and started to walk out the backdoor to the garage. I glared as I passed Edward and Alice.

"Good job, Alice. Because of you Emmet will lose his mate!" I heard Ian say but I didn't care. She should know what she did. Esme gasped but I continued to walk.

"What happened?" I heard Esme ask in not a nice tone. Esme may have not been my mother but Rosalie and her were the closest I had to a real mother.

"Brooklyn... Please stop. We can talk about this." I heard Emmett say and you could hear the hurt in his voice. I shook my head as I continued to walk. I put my bag in the backseat. Emmett was blocking the driver side door. "I am not going to let you leave. Not when you are this mad. We need to talk. There is no reason for you to leave." He said as Esme made everyone else go inside.

"Emmett! Please move!" I said as I held the keys in my hand. He shook his head.

"No! I won't let you leave me." He said as I scoffed at him. "I mean it Brooklyn... I won't survive without you. I didn't mean to treat you like you were a child. I was worried about you. You were about to jump out of our damn window. You were about to get hurt." He said as I huffed at him. "Please talk to me." He pleaded this time.

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