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I was sad and hurt that Alice didn't even respond to me

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I was sad and hurt that Alice didn't even respond to me. I wanted to know what she wanted. Did she want me here? Was she even my friend? Like she was mine. She was My best friend and I wanted to be friends with her forever. I thought she wanted the same since she came to me after I jumped off the cliff.

My eyes moved to Brooklyn and I frowned as I tried my best to stop crying. She was holding a baby. It wasn't the monster I thought it would be. The way the internet made it sound like they all looked like demons and their only goal was to kill. This looked like any other baby. It looked like a mix of her and Emmett. It had her eyes and Emmett's hair.

I frowned even more when she handed the baby to Emmett. It upset me how happy he looked as he looked down at this thing. He should only look at me like that. I should be his world, not her and not that thing. Me! Only me! He was meant for me. Right. I thought but the doubt was now in my head.

I took a step forward but Edward stopped me. He shook his head and I frowned even more. Was he worried that I was going to try and hurt the baby? Why would he even care? He hated Brooklyn. "Bella!" Brooklyn said, making me look at her. That was when I noticed her golden eyes. She was a vampire. She had gotten everything I had wanted for Emmett. Emmett had turned her. "I am not sure why you think that you can take my mate! But I am telling you this now. If you continue!.. Edward won't be able to stop what I do next! None of them will!" She said as her eyes turned black before my very own.

"Are you threatening me?" I asked as I was more than scared now. I looked back at Edward and his face said it all. He was scared now too. This made me panic.

"No! I am stating a fact!" She said as she took a step closer to me. "Emmett is mine! I am Emmett's. There is nothing you can do to change that. I am his mate as you are only Edward trashy blood singer." She hissed and I took a step away from her as she slowly moved closer to me. "Now you need to listen for once." She said as she turned to Carlisle. I looked at him as well. Now scared of being in a house of vampires.

"You are not welcome here. You were brought here by Edward knowing that we didn't want you here!" He said as I gasped and looked back at Edward. He looked at me hurt. "You are not our family. We aren't your friends." He said, ignoring the fact that I was now upset.

"But I know what you all are! I could expose you?" I said and knew that was the wrong thing to say. But I needed them to turn me and welcome me into their family otherwise I was as good as dead. I would be nothing more than food.

"Then do it!" Esme chimed in. She didn't hold any worry in her face or in her voice. Not like Edward did when I told him that I would tell the world about vampires if he didn't bring me here the first time. "No one will believe you! They will just think you are crazy!" She said as she moved next to Carlisle.

"I am sorry... I would never tell anyone." I said as I knew that I had made the wrong call. They weren't going to bend to me if I threatened to expose them like Edward did. "I just want you all to accept me!" I said as there were a few scoffs, making me mad. Mostly because I knew who they were from.

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