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I smiled as I watched my mate put our son in his crib

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I smiled as I watched my mate put our son in his crib. I couldn't believe she was here with me. That they were here with me. "You are amazing! You know that!" I whispered as she walked over to me. I didn't want to wake him up but then again I did. I wanted to spend every minute with them.

"Am I now?" She asked as she pulled me out of the nursery. I made her stop so I could lock up the room. Even if Edward was out of the house. I still didn't trust him. Not with my mate and sure as hell not with my son. I would never be able to trust him with them.

"You know I would feel so much better if he was in our room with us." I said and she smiled at me.

"Me too!" She said and I quickly opened the door back up. I heard her giggle as I picked up my son. I turned to my mate and she was nothing but smiles. "You look hot!" She said as I walked to her holding our son. "Like really hot!" She said and I just smirked at her.

"Do I know?" I said, making her giggle at me. I knew I did. How could I not when I was holding our son.

"Yeah! You do!" She said as I stood in front of her. "I love you so much, Emmett!" She said and I smiled as I leaned down to kiss her.

"Family meeting!" Alice yelled, making us both groan as she woke Jace up.

"It's ok baby! Mommy is here!" Brooklyn cooed as she took our son from me.

"I love you too, Brooklyn and soon we will be married." I said as my mate smiled up at me.

"How about tomorrow?" She said, making me grin at her and nodded my head as we walked down to the living room

"OH! No you don't!" Alice said as she looked at the two of us. "I will not allow you two to be married by some cheap version of Elvis!" She said as Brooklyn groaned.

"It's about us, Alice! Not you!" Brooklyn hissed.

"It's about the family!" She said and this made Brooklyn scoff.

"No! It's about your need to make everything how you want!" Brooklyn said back to her. "I mean look what you did with Edward and this bitch! You knew damn well she wasn't his mate. That none of us wanted anything to do with her. Yet you encouraged him to bring her around like we would open our arms to that trashy little slut." She said as the rest of us all stayed quiet. I mean she was right.

"I just wanted him to be happy! To have the same as we all have." Alice said with a weak voice.

"With some slut that wants my mate?" She asked and Alice shook her head.

"I am sorry Brooklyn. I just thought it was a crush that she would get over once she realized that Emmett would never want her." She said as she looked at the rest of our family.

"The fact is that you are to blame just as much as he is for what has happened." I said and Alice looked at me shocked. "Because of this I know I don't trust you to be alone with our son." I said and Brooklyn agreed with me. That wasn't surprising to anyone.

Love & Happiness- Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now