Cast: Twilight

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Emmett McCarthy Cullen

The Big Teddy Bear (20)

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The Big Teddy Bear (20)

"Do you know how much I want you right now?"

"You do know you can come and smell me."

Brooklyn Whitlock

The Human Cullen (18)

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The Human Cullen (18)

"And you're just an asshole!"

"Why don't you come over here and make me!"

Jasper Whitlock Hale

The lost Family Member!

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The lost Family Member!

"Let's head home now. With this and the nomads I do not want my niece out in the open."

Rosalie Hale

The Bitchy Sister

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The Bitchy Sister

"Why should we when you have never done that with Brooklyn!"

Ian Mason Cullen

The Crazy Brother

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The Crazy Brother

"Thought you could use a friend in the battle of being ourselves!"

Bella Swan

The Hateful Human

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The Hateful Human

"You know you don't have to be a bitch! A simple no would have worked!"

Edward Cullen

The Uptight Cullen

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The Uptight Cullen

"Do you hate me so much that you won't even befriend her?"

Alice Cullen

The Misunderstood Cullen

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The Misunderstood Cullen

"Yes she will. We are family."

❣Rest of the Twilight cast remains the same!❣

I do not own the rights to the Twilight sagas, that is all Stephanie Meyer.

❣I only own Brooklyn's story.❣

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