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I rolled my eyes at Edward and Alice's attempt to get me to do what they wanted

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I rolled my eyes at Edward and Alice's attempt to get me to do what they wanted. "Never going to happen!" I said as I walked past them and grabbed an apple. I turned to them and they were both glaring at me. "Never!" I said slower this time. Alice sighed as Edward was still glaring at me. Emmett walked in and kissed my head.

"You both heard her! Now back off!" Emmett growled as he grabbed a drink from the fridge.

"Why are you letting her be such a bitch?" Edward asked, making Emmett break the glass in his hand. Edward stepped closer to me and I laughed at him before moving over to Rosalie and Ian who were also pissed.

"What did you just call my mate?" Emmett roared out. I had to cover my ears as it was loud and a little scary. As I have never seen him this mad before. Edward looked terrified as he looked over at Ian for help.

"Answer him!" Ian yelled, making me jump as he too was never one to yell like that before.

"I called her a bitch... That is what she is being, by not helping me. I mean, is it so bad that I am asking her for help?" Edward stated as I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked to see Jasper standing there. But it wasn't Jasper. No it was Major. I have seen him a few times since I have been with them and all of them were when Edward would yell, pick on me or make me cry.

"OH! No!" Alice said, making me look back at them. "Jasper... Please calm down. It isn't as bad as you think it is!" She said, trying to walk over to him.

"NO! This is the last time I will let Edward here, talk to or about my niece like that." He said moving me behind him. "She will not help you. If she doesn't want to. You will not make her and I will not let you focus her into helping you." He said as he stepped closer to Edward. Edward gulped and looked at me. "Don't look at her." Jasper growled as he moved so he was blocking me. Emmett moved next to him making sure Edward couldn't look at me.

"Fine!" he said before leaving the house. Jasper turned to Alice and she just nodded her head.

"I will back off. I just wanted to help him as he has been alone for so long. I just wanted to make this family whole. Bella is the missing piece to our family." She said and I scoffed. She looked at me hurt before Jasper glared at me.

"Then you should have started with him treating my mate better! Not with trying to force my mate to help him." Emmett said and Alice nodded her head.

"He doesn't hate Brooklyn. So you know. It just hurts him to see us all so happy with our mates. She has been a reminder that he doesn't have one. That we all expected her and now we are against him having a human mate. He is trying to fix what he has done even if he is going about it the wrong way." She said and I rolled my eyes.

"She isn't just Emmett's mate! She is also Jasper's niece. The last of his family. She has ties to this coven as this girl doesn't. She is just his blood singer!" Rosalie says as Emmett wrapped an arm around me.

"I am sorry! I was only trying to help him! He just wants what we all have." Alice said, looking at me. I glared at her before I walked away. I walked up to mine and Emmett's room to find Edward looking at the photos I had in there.

"I am not in a single one of these." He said as I just stood there staring at him. He turned to me and frowned. "I am sorry I have been so mean to you! It has been hard on me with all of you having your other half. But I never should have treated you badly. It wasn't your fault but I made it so it was." He said and I still didn't say anything. "I know I have no right to ask but I am going to." He says moving closer to me. "Will you please become friends with her? Will you please help me get to know her? I think you would get along with her if you just gave her a chance and you would have someone that is more like you around." He asked and I stood still. I heard Emmett growl before I was moved behind him. I could feel the anger rolling off him as he tried to keep the monster under control.

 I could feel the anger rolling off him as he tried to keep the monster under control

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I was pissed that Edward was in our room. I was pissed that he had the balls to ask my mate yet again to help him. "Brook... Go get in the jeep!" I said as I glared at Edward. I needed her away from me before I lost it. He looked at me shocked and scared. Once I knew she was safely away I let into him. "Stay away from my mate. She will not help you. And if you try to make her I will kill your blood singer first, then you! Do I make myself clear? I may see you as a brother but you are nothing to Brooklyn. And that is all on you!" I growled as I grabbed him and pulled him out of our room. I closed and locked the door. He nodded his head before walking away from me. I let out a breath and claimed myself down before I went to find my mate. When we got to school I shook my head as I noticed that Bella was following us. I stepped away from Brooklyn for a minute to see what she would do. I need to know if she was a danger to my mate.

"Umm... Hi!" This Bella chick said as soon as I was away from Brooklyn and Brooklyn had her head in her locker. Brooklyn looked at her confused before looking for me. "Umm... I was wondering if we could hang out sometime? I mean I know you are a grade ahead of me but I think we could be really good friends." She said, making me smirked as Brook had this confused look on her face. It was so cute.

"What?" Brooklyn said as she cocked her head to the side, still very confused. I walked up before Bella could say anything else.

"Come on Babe! We need to get to class. Or we will be late!" I said, wrapping my arm around her. Brooklyn was still looking at Bella confused. Bella smiled at me and winked but I just frowned at her. I closed her locker and made sure it was locked before pulling my mate away.

"You could have let them talk? It would be good for her to have more friends." Edward said as we rounded a counter. I scoffed at him. He then grabbed his head. I looked at Brooklyn and she was smirking.

"What did you do?" I asked as she started to laugh.

"I screamed in my head that I would never help him or be friends with her." She said and I laughed at that. We heard Ian laugh as he walked up to us. "You may have said you are sorry. But it doesn't make up for all you have put me through!" She said and to my surprise Edward just nodded.

"I have to agree with you Brook. Why should we help my asshole little brother!" He said and Edward looked so hurt. "I mean look how he has treated you and you are Emmett's mate not some nasty blood singer." He said as he patted my back.

"You're my brother, you should be helping me." Edward said and this made Ian scoff at him.

"And Brooklyn is my sister." Ian said with a smirk. "But you have always been jealous that Emmett found his mate. That he has got to watch her grow up into this beautiful woman that she is. You never cared to see it any other way. That you were alone and you took it out on Brook." He said before walking away.

"Face it Edward... How you have treated Brook has made it hard to give a shit about you or anyone you are with." Rosalie said as she followed Ian. The rest of the day went by and things seemed to be getting back to normal. That was until school ended. I had Brooklyn in my arms when Taylor's van headed right for Edward's blood singer. I knew this was going to be bad when I saw Rosalie's face. But now he has done it. He had made his choice and we all needed to make ours. 

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