Cast: New Moon

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Emmett McCarthy Cullen

Emmett McCarthy Cullen

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The Protective Mate

"Mr. and Mrs. Emmett McCarthy!"

"Why? I like talking them down and giving them to you!"

Brooklyn Whitlock

The last of her bloodline

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The last of her bloodline

"OH! Yes! The food was the best part!"

"Is it weird that I don't feel any different?"

Jasper Whitlock Hale

Jasper Whitlock Hale

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The Major

"He better just stay the fuck away! That is what he better do!"

Rosalie Hale

The loyal sister

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The loyal sister

"Then our father should do the surgery!"

Ian Mason Cullen

The Beloved Brother

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The Beloved Brother

"Knock it off, you two!"

Bella Swan

The Destroyed Human

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The Destroyed Human

"They can't do that!"

Edward Cullen

The Pussy Cullen

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The Pussy Cullen

"I just thought you were still human."

Alice Cullen

The Misguide

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The Misguide

"You should have never started to talk to her."

Rest of the Twilight cast remains the same!❣

I do not own the rights to the Twilight sagas, that is all Stephanie Meyer.

❣I only own Brooklyn's story.❣

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