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I was a little annoyed when Emmett and I returned back to the house

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I was a little annoyed when Emmett and I returned back to the house. I wished that we could live by ourselves but Emmett wouldn't do it until after I was turned. He claimed it was for my own good as there were others around to make sure that I ate and was not a sex slave to my horny mate. I didn't doubt that but there were times I did wish it was just the two of us. But I also knew that day would come. But it wouldn't be today or tomorrow. No, it would only come after I was turned.

Edwrad glared at me as we walked in, making me glared right back at him. He still hated me and I never really knew why. Rosalie said it was because he was jealous. But I think it was more than that. He looked shocked as I have never done that before. Emmett and Jasper laughed at him which pissed him off even more. Alice looked between us and sighed. I don't get along with her as she tries to get me to do things I don't want to do. Rosalie, Jasper, Ian or Emmett usually step in and tell her to back off.

"Keep glaring, Edward and I will hurt you!" Emmett said as he kissed my head. "Go get ready for bed. I'll be there in a little bit!" He whispered into my ear. I nodded my head and turned to head up the stairs. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I was changing my clothes when there was a knock on the door. I walked over as I was pulling my shirt on.

I was shocked when I saw Edward standing there. "There is a family meeting down stairs." He said before walking away.

"But you don't consider me family. So why would you come to tell me?" I said, making him stop and glare at me.

"No I don't. You're just a human." He said as I scoffed at him.

"And you're just an asshole!" I said as he looked at me hurt. "But it's OK cause I don't consider you family either." I said as I walked past him. He sighed as he followed me. I walked into the living room to see Emmett and Ian wearing smirks on their faces and Jasper was trying to hide his laugh. Rosalie smiled at me and Alice looked annoyed. I normally didn't talk to Edward and if I did it wasn't like that.

Emmett patted the seat next to him. I went and took my seat and cuddled into him. "There is a girl coming to town. Chief Swan's daughter. Isabella or Bella! I am not sure what she is to Edward but I do see them together. I think she is his mate?" Alice said, making me and Rosalie roll our eyes at her. It took everything in me to not laugh as now he had a human that he was either meant to be with or would kill because her blood calls out to him.

"She is probably his blood singer." Ian said as I got closer to Emmett. He looked down at me and kissed the top of my head and wrapped his arms around me. I knew what a blood singer was and I also know that Edward could even hurt me if he got mad enough. Or hungry enough. The Volturi had asked to meet me and teach me about the laws. All of which I knew. But they also warned Caslisle and Esme about the possibility of danger of blood singers. Emmett hated it as it was only Carlisle and Esme that were allowed to go with me. I was sure he only hated it as Demetri, their tracker is a huge flirt.

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