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I looked around the room one more time, making sure I hadn't forgotten anything

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I looked around the room one more time, making sure I hadn't forgotten anything. "Baby! It's time to leave!" Emmett said and I sighed. I hated that we had to leave. I hated that Edward had made this happen to us. "We will come back and when we do you will be my wife." He said as he leaned down and kissed my neck. "You will also be like me!" He said and I giggled at him.

"I know. I just hate that we have to leave. This home is where we started!" I said and He smiled at me.

"If you really think about it. We started long before we moved here. Not really as mates. But the moment we met, you were it for me. " He said and I shook my head and laughed at him.

"Yes! My big strong teddy bear! Life would have been so hard without you with me." I said as I ran my hand up his, tone chest. I heard him growl before I was pinned up against the wall.

"Don't tease baby! It's not nice and we have to leave! We don't have time for me to show you what a beast I can be." He said before kissing me like he was ready to burst.

"Knock it off you two!" Ian said as he walked past our room. I giggled as Emmett picked me up and placed me over his shoulder. He walked me down to the living room where everyone was. I rolled my eyes as Edward stood in the middle.

"I know none of you are happy with me. But this truly is what is best for Bella." He said and I scoffed at him. He glared at me but when Emmett and Jasper growled at him he looked down at the ground.

"Careful brother, we aren't going to stand by any more. You will die!" Ian said and I smiled into Emmett's chest.

"I am taking Brooklyn on a trip. I think it is time she knows my full story. See where I grow up!" Emmett said and I smiled up at him.

"Wait really?" I asked and when he nodded his head I started to jump up and down. "Yay! I have always wanted to see where you grew up. Even though it won't be the same." I said as I pulled him down to kiss him. He chuckled at me before wrapping me in his arms.

"I will be staying behind one more day to let Bella know that we are leaving and we won't be coming back." Edward said as we lost all interest in what he was talking about.

"I think I may show Brooklyn where our family comes from. It would be good for the both of you." Jasper said and I smiled over at him.

"Yeah! That is a good idea. We might do the same. She should know about our pasts." Rosalie said and I turned to look at Edward. I frowned when his eyes held nothing but hurt in them. I knew it was because Bella would never get the chance to know them like I do. But then again it was his own fault for that. Edward looked at me and frowned as I just stared at him.

"Can we please go over the plan?" Edward asked and no one paid him any mind. "This is what I mean. You all only care about her. Why couldn't you do half of this for Bella?" He yelled making me jump, which got Emmett's attention.

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