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I walked back into the house with my mate tucked under my arm

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I walked back into the house with my mate tucked under my arm. I hated that he showed up while she was feeding. I knew it was stupid to watch her back but I knew better than to leave her alone when Edward had shown her no kindness and had even threatened to harm her after she was changed. "Why are you here?" I hissed as my mate rushed to our child. Edward was a little too close to him even if the family stood in his way.

"I am here to talk!" He said and This made Ian and Jasper step closer to him. "I knew you all are mad at me for bringing her here." He said as He tried to look at our son. "But I needed to talk to you!" He said with a sigh when Rosalie and Esme blocked his view. "But she gave me no choice. It was either I brought her here or she came by herself." He said and we all scoffed.

"Here is my question?" Jasper asked as he glared at Edward. "Why would she think that we would want her to be a part of our family?" He asked and we all waited for Edward to answer. He took his time before he even opened his mouth.

"That is my fault. I may have told her that you all did want her around and that you all did like her but that Brooklyn and her hate for me was stopping you all from welcoming her, like she thought she should be welcomed. I know it was wrong to get her hopes up like that. When you all made it clear that you all didn't want anything to do with her and even gave me reasons to not want her around." He said as he looked down at the ground. "I am here now to ask for all of your forgiveness. I know I may not deserve it. But please don't kick me out. This life, this family is all I have known for so long." He said as he looked at Brooklyn. "I know this isn't fair to you for me to be asking this as I have never been kind to you. Never shown you any form of love. Just anger and distrust to you. But I am asking you, Brooklyn, to forgive me. To give me a chance to show you that I can and will do better." He said and I scoffed at him. But I wasn't the only one.

"And what do you plan to do about her?" Alice hissed as she moved next to Carlisle. "Or have you forgotten that I told them what you didn't. What you tried to hide from them." She said and this upset him.

"I wasn't hiding it but trying to understand what he meant." Edward said as he glared at Alice.

"What was there to understand?" I asked as I moved to sit with my mate and our child. "From what Alice told us she is a destroyer." I said and Edward huffed.

"Yes I know." He said as he looked at me. "But it isn't the family she wants to destroy." He said as his eyes shifted over to Brooklyn. I growled as I stood up. He held up his hands but I was pissed. "There is something else you don't know. Though her mind may not work on me. Aro was able to read her thoughts. He kept that to himself. But I was able to read his mind." He said as we all looked at him waiting for him to continue.

"She wants to be a vampire, yes that is true. But she also wants Emmett." He said and Brooklyn hissed at him. "I know you were right. I thought that she just had a crush on him. But Aro pulled the truth out of her. She doesn't just have a crush. She is in love with him and she believes he is in love with her. But refuses to leave Brooklyn." He said and I shook my head at him.

"Let me guess. She thinks if she gets Brooklyn out of the way then she will get him!" Esme said and I scoffed.

"Not a chance in hell will that ever happen." I growled as I was discussed by the thought of her. Edward sighed as he looked at me.

"I plan on pulling away from her. We will be finishing school soon and we can all move on. Make it seem like we all are going to college." He said and I sighed. I turned to Brooklyn knowing she was supposed to start but the baby changed our plans.

"And you think you can stick to this plan?" Carlisle asked. His tone was one that didn't believe him. Edward nodded his head.

"And what should we do if you can't stick to this plan? You haven't kept her away like you said you would. You told her about what we all are. Knowing damn well it was against our laws. Put us all in danger because of her." Esme asked as she too used a tone that didn't believe him.

"Then I will leave. You all can move on and live your life's. As I go out on my own." He said with a small smile.

"I think this needs to be voted on." Esme said and I had to agree. I looked at my mates now, golden eyes. She nodded her head.

"Fine!" I said as we all moved to the dining room. We all took our seats. Well not all of us. I pulled Brooklyn to my lap. I kissed her shoulder before I looked at our son.

"What is this plan of yours Edward?" Ian asked as Edward sat in his seat.

"Each day, I will spend a little less time with her. Let her hang out with the mutt more and more." He said and I liked it to a point.

"And what will you do if she doesn't take the hint or she figures out what you are up to?" Ian asked and I wondered the same thing.

"If she is out to harm Brooklyn, then she is out to harm our son!" I said and Ian agreed with me as did the others.

"I haven't thought that far yet. But I need to start somewhere." Edward said and I shook my head.

"It's not good enough. This is your problem and you made it ours. But this falls to you to fix. I will not trust you near my family until you can prove that you are truly moving away from her. Until you cut her off." Jasper said and I agreed with him.

"Same here! That is not enough!" I said as Edward looked at me annoyed.

"What do you want me to do?" He asked as he looked at each one of us.

"Tell her the truth." Brooklyn said as she looked back at him. "Tell her what we have been telling you." She said and I smiled at her.

"I don't want to break her heart." He said and I scoffed at him.

"Then our discussion stands. As long as you keep her around you are not a.part of this family." Carlisle said and Edward shook his head.

"You can't do that!" He yelled, slamming his hand onto the table.

"I can and I am. I am the leader. Not you!" Carlisle yelled back. Edward looked down at the table.

"I am sorry." He said and we shook our heads at him.

"Sorry isn't the word I would have chosen!" Rosalie said as she glared at him.

"Can I hold him?" He asked as he looked at Brooklyn and our son. This made Brooklyn hiss at him.

"Stay away from my mate and child." I hissed, making him frown even more at me.

"You really don't trust me, do you?" He asked as I just glared at him.

"Why would I? After everything you have done and said to my mate, why should I trust you with our son?" I asked back, but he didn't say anything else.

"Then I guess I will go pack." He said as he moved to stand.

"No need. Your things are already out back." Ian said as Edward turned to us all shocked.

"You already moved me out?" He asked but no one answered. "I guess I deserve that. Since I didn't listen to you all the first time." He said as he moved to the backyard where his things were. I looked at my mate and she just glared at the back of the house.

"He is lying!" She said and Jasper nodded his head.

"That he is!" He said and I wondered what they meant. "He does plan to pull away from her. But to never cut her off fully. He is in love with her. He is hoping that if he pulls away she will choose him and move past this thing she thinks she has with Emmett." He said, this made Brooklyn hiss.

"I would never be with someone like her! She is so trashy!" I said with a growl.

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