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Edward was back and annoyed that I refused to talk to him or Alice

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Edward was back and annoyed that I refused to talk to him or Alice. That I refused to be friends with this Bella chick. I wasn't sure why he even wanted to talk to me as he has never talked to me and made it clear that he didn't like me around any of them. Especially Emmett! That I was human and didn't belong. "Why should I do anything for you?" I asked as he came down stairs to bitch to Carlisle that I refused to become friends with Bella. He looked at me and glared. "Wait so she can be in your life but I can't be in Emmett's?" I asked and this pissed Emmett, Rosalie and Ian off. Edward looked scared now. "Way to be a hypocrite!" I said and he looked at me shocked.

"Emmett shut her up!" Edward said, earning a punch from Ian. Emmett pulled me closer but I was pissed and pushed him away.

"Why don't you come over here and make me!" I growled at him. Emmett growled and Edward shook his head. Knowing damn well he would be killed before he could touch me.

"She is right! Why do you get to be with this girl? When you have tried to make Brooklyn leave Emmett. At least Brooklyn is Emmett's mate and not his blood singer." Rosalie said as she smiled at me and then glared at Edward. Alice looked at me sad as I was still refusing to talk to her and now I was giving my uncle the cold shoulder as well. Edward tried to argue with me but Esme stopped him.

"I am sorry Edward. But they are right. You have never been nice to her. So why should she do anything to help you win this girl over?" Esme asked and he sighed. Alice was pouting as Edward looked back at me and frowned.

"Because Alice sees her doing it. So she should just do it." He hisses out at everyone who has been on my side.

"Well Alice is wrong and lying! Cause I won't waste my time on anyone I don't see as Family! And you, Edward, are not my family. You never have been and never will be." I said right back to him. He looked at me shocked and then pissed.

"Whatever... You will do it in the end." He said and I laughed. He looked at me shocked before storming out of the house. Alice pouted at me as my uncle sighed and held her close. I looked at her and smiled.

"You need to stop lying. Because you and I both know that I will never help him. That I will never be friends with her!" I said as Alice looked like she could cry. If only she could. "And as for you... You might be with my great uncle but you are not my family, not anymore! So back the fuck off!" I said as Alice looked at me hurt.

"Brook, Come on!" Emmett said as I shook my head. I walked away making Rosalie and Ian follow me. I heard him growl before storming up to me. He threw me over his shoulder and carried me to our room.

"Why are you taking their side? Again!" I yelled as he dropped me on the bed.

"I'm not. I just don't like us all fighting. That is all we have done since that girl has come here." He said and I scoffed at him. "Ever since this chick came here it has been one fight after another. And I am tired of it. I want my mate to be happy, not pissed and ready for a fight when she goes to the kitchen to eat. We should be planning our wedding. Not having a fight before dinner!" He yelled and slammed our bedroom door. 

I was pissed at what Alice and Edward were trying to do

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I was pissed at what Alice and Edward were trying to do. I wouldn't let them use my mate. If she didn't want to help him then no one was going to make her. I slammed the door wanting nothing more than to have my mate. I grabbed her ankles and pulled her to the edge. I yanked her dress up and off of her body. I ripped her bra and panties off of her and flipped her over so she was on her stomach. I heard her gasp when I slapped her ass. I pulled my sweats down and slammed into her. I knew I was ruff with her and I knew I shouldn't be but I needed her. I wanted her. I reached up and pulled her hair. She moaned and I pulled her closer to me. I was loving this new side to our sex life. I moved faster as she was close and I wanted her to cum all over my cock. The warmth of her body next to mine.

"Emmett!" She gasped when I started to rub her clit. She tightened around me and I groaned. She felt amazing and I never wanted to stop. She came with a gasp and I followed right behind her. I leaned my head on her back as we both calmed down. I need to regain control before I hurt her.

"Damn baby... You are so perfect! When you turn I won't have to hold back. You will be able to take all that I have to give." I said and she giggled at me. I turned her head and kissed her. "Round two in the shower?" I asked as I wanted her again. I could feel myself getting hard again and so could she. She gasped and pushed back on me. I groaned and moved in and out of her a few times before I let her do it herself. "Show me how good you can make yourself cum on my dick." I said as I kissed her lips. She moaned and I smiled at her as she started to move. "Such a good girl!" I said after a few minutes. I slammed into her and she released a sexiest moan. I pulled out and turned her around.

"Emmett!" She whined and I smirked. I got on the bed and laid down. I singled for her to come to me. She did. She lined herself up with me and slowly sunk down on me. I grabbed her hips and pounded into her. I loved watching her tits bounce as I took her from underneath her. She placed her hands on my chest to keep herself up. When I flipped us over I took things a little slower. I wanted her to cum for me over and over again. I wanted her to be driven crazy with the amount of orgasms I was going to give her. "I don't think I can handle another one!" She gasped out at me.

"Just one more baby... I am almost there. Give me one more!" I moaned as I slammed into her a few more times. She was on the edge and so was I. She came with a scream and I came with her. I moaned her name as I unloaded everything I had into her. We laid together until someone had the balls to knock on our door. I got up and wrapped myself in the comforter of our bed as Brooklyn was covered by the sheet. I wasn't done with her yet. I opened the door and was pissed. "What the fuck do you want?" I asked as I glared at Edward. He was looking down at the ground.

"I need Brooklyn's help!" He said and I was pissed.

"Hell no!" I growled and he looked at me shocked. "You treat my mate like trash for years and then want her to help you because your blood singer is human." I yelled and he stepped back from me. "You have a lot of nerve coming to her and asking for anything after the way you treated her. Get this through your head Brooklyn doesn't want to help you and she isn't going to! Now leave her alone." I said before slamming the door closed on him. I looked over at Brooklyn and sighed as she was sitting there just staring at me. "I am sorry!" I said and she just smiled at me.

"I think once school is out. We need a vacation! Just you and me!" She said and I smiled at her.

"I think you are right! But where to go?" I asked as I walked over to her. "Mexico, Paris, Greece?" I asked and she just nodded her head.

"All of them!" She said and I chuckled at her.

"Then that is what we will do!" I said as I got back into bed with her. "Before you start college!" I said and she groaned.

"Do I have to? I mean really?" She said as she gave me puppy dog eyes.

"Yes really!" I said as I pulled her into my arms. "Now my little mate needs to sleep and I need to hunt." I said as she rolled her eyes at me but a yawn came out of her mouth. Letting me know I was right that she needed to sleep.

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