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I smiled as I looked down at my sleeping mate

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I smiled as I looked down at my sleeping mate. She looked so beautiful as she slept naked in our bed. I moved what little hair was laying over her face. She sighed when my fingers moved across her face, making me smile even more. "I love you Brooklyn! My mate and now my wife!" I whispered into her ear. I wanted to lay down with her but the knocking on the front door stopped me. I growled when I smelt who was at our door. I pulled on a pair of sweats before even thinking about opening the door. I glared as there stood Alice looking hurt and regretful. "What do you want, Alice?" I asked as she looked down at the ground.

"I know you and Brooklyn don't want to talk to me... But I just wanted to say I am sorry. I shouldn't have done what I did." She said as I crossed my arms waiting for her to continue. She sighed as she looked at me. "I am sorry that I am pushing Bella on everyone. But she is meant to be with Edward. She is meant to be part of our family. Just like Brooklyn is. I know what I did has made Brooklyn not see me as family or as someone she can trust anymore. Jasper has made that clear. He also told me to stop before he loses his niece and you lose your mate." She said as she sighed and looked up at me. "I don't want that to happen. I don't want to hurt any of you." She said as I just looked at her.

"Well Brooklyn is sleeping... If you want to say all of this to her, you will need to wait until the morning. And Brooklyn is more than just my mate. She will be my wife." I said as she nodded her head. She moved to leave. "Alice I will not lose my everything because of Edward's blood singer. Brooklyn is a part of our family. Has been since she was 5. You should remember that before you try pushing some girl none of us have even talked to." I said as she stopped and nodded her head.

"I am sorry Emmett..." She said before running off. I closed the door and turned around and saw Brooklyn standing there. I smiled at her as I walked over to her.

"You hear what she said?" I asked as I placed my hand on her hip. She nodded her head at me.

"Yeah! But I am not ready to forgive her." She said and I nodded my head at her. I wrapped my arm around her and kissed her head. "It's funny... Alice started out like a big sister and over time she changed into this person I hate to be around. I know she is my great uncle's mate... But I don't..." She said as she shook her head at me.

"Hey don't worry about it right now. You need to sleep." I said as I walked us back to our bedroom.

"And you need to hunt!" She said as she leaned into me. I knew I did but I wasn't going to leave her right now. Not with her still being upset.

"I will before school." I said as she sighed and pouted at me. "We have to go to school. Edward took off because of the human and if more of us are missing it will draw more attention to us." I said and she nodded as she climbed into bed. I laid down with her. I smiled as she laid her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her head. She fell asleep as I just laid there looking at her. When the sun was just about to come up was when I left to go and hunt. I arrived back just as Brooklyn was about to get into the shower. I smirked as I took my clothes off and got in with her.

 I smirked as I took my clothes off and got in with her

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I sighed as we pulled up to the school. I didn't want to be here. I didn't want to be anywhere near Alice at the moment. She knew that and didn't try to talk to me. I went to my locker between first and second to grab my book for class and Bella was standing there. I did my best to ignore her. "I'm Bella, you are Brooklyn?" She asked, making me look at her and glare.

"Yeah! I am!" I said as I found the textbook I needed. I also grabbed one of Emmett's jackets since he told me it was going to snow.

"I am sorry for coming at you... But do you know where Edward is today?" She asked as I rolled my eyes. I put on Emmett's jacket and I could smell him making me smile.

"Not that it is any of your business... But there was a family problem. Edward went to help." I said as she nodded her head at me.

"I am sorry... But did he say anything about me yesterday?" She asked and I couldn't help myself so I scoffed.

"Not to me!" I said as she nodded her head again. I noticed she plays with her fingers when she is uncomfortable. I smiled at her before closing my locker and walking away from her. I smiled when I saw Emmett and Ian glaring at Bella from down the hall. When Emmett looked at me he smirked as I pulled his jacket closer to my nose. He knew I loved his scent.

"You do know you can come and smell me." He said, making me laugh and Ian to smile at us.

"I like it better when you two are on the same page and happy! The ring is a nice addition!" Ian said, making me slap his arm.

"Yeah! Me too!" Emmett said as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders just as Rosalie walked up to us. She smiled at me. The rest of the day was almost normal. All except for Bella staring at us while we were at lunch.

"She will do that until Edward comes back." Alice said and I rolled my eyes at her. After that I didn't see Bella until we left for the day. I got into Emmett's jeep and we were off after that. When we got home Emmett helped me unpack my bags.

"I am going to go and hunt with Ian and Rosalie. I'll be back soon and we will make pizza tonight for you!" He said, making me laugh. "Be a good girl... Please!" He said as he kissed me. I nodded my head at him.

"OK!" I said as he smiled at me. "I have some homework to get done. So that should keep me busy while you are gone." I said and he nodded his head. He left as I was grabbing my bookbag. I sat down in the kitchen and started to do my homework but couldn't focus on my school work. I thought about our wedding. I knew it would be small and I was fine with that as I didn't want a big wedding.

"Would you like some tea!" I heard Jasper ask. I shook my head.

"No, thank you!" I said as I tried to focus on the paper I needed to write for English.

"Are you ever going to talk to Alice?" He asked as I shook my head at him.

"Nope! She has made her choice. She chose some blood singer over your niece." I said as I looked over at him and Alice. She looked ashamed as he looked at me sad. "She is no longer my family!" I said and they both looked hurt.

"Brooklyn... Please let me explain." Alice said as I shook my head at her.

"I am sorry Alice. But you can't change how I feel and neither can Jasper." I said knowing damn well his gift doesn't work on me. He can feel them but that was all. I stood up and grabbed my work and headed up to mine and Emmett's room.

"Brook!" Esme said as she stood in the doorway. "I know you are upset and I understand that." She said as she came to sit next to me. "But don't shut them out!" She said and I shook my head.

"If it was you or Rose, that shut me in this room it would have been different. You would have been doing it to protect me. I don't believe that was why Alice did it!" I said and Esme sighed.

"You may be right! But at the end of the day. Jasper is your blood and Alice is his mate. You are as much of this family as they are. And I hate seeing my children fight. So give it some time and think it over!" She said before hugging me and leaving. I looked out the window and thought about what she had said.

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