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I stayed close to Emmett and my uncle while Bella opened her gifts

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I stayed close to Emmett and my uncle while Bella opened her gifts. She kept looking over at me and smirking at me. I glared at her and her smirk would drop whenever Emmett would kiss me. "This is from Rosalie!" Alice said as she handed Bella a gift. I rolled my eyes as there was no way Rosalie bought that for her. Rosalie hated her as much as I did, maybe more.

"Alice picked it out." She said as she looked annoyed. Bella nodded her head and gave her a quiet thank you! I hid my face in Emmett's chest as I tried not to laugh.

"This is from Ian!" Alice said, trying to move past that Rosalie didn't want to be here. Ian rolled his eyes as Bella shook the box.

"Edward picked it out and put it in your truck! Guess your stereo is a piece of shit." Ian said and I hid my laugh.

"Hey, don't hate the truck!" Bella said as she looked back at Edward. You could see the hurt in her eyes that no one had bought her gifts themselves. She looked over at Emmett and I and smiled.

"We didn't buy you anything. Didn't see the point as you are not family or our friend!" Emmett says and I just smile at her.

"Sorry!" I say but she knew I wasn't. She nodded her head and Edward glared over at us. "Not sorry!" I said as I smirked at him. He glared even harder and was about to say something when Alice handed her another gift.

"This is from Carlisle and Esme." Alice says and I scoff at that. They both give her a forced smile.

"Thanks!" She says as she slides her finger into the gift. I looked up at Emmett but was soon thrown into the stairs. I was able to look around for a moment before I blacked out.

"You better hope she is ok!" I heard Emmett's voice boom, making me jump.

"He better just stay the fuck away! That is what he better do!" Jasper says or more like Major says. I groan as I slowly open my eyes.

"OH! Baby girl! You are awake." Esme said as she looked down at me. I groaned again and Emmett soon replaced her.

"Hey, just lay down!" He said as I tried to sit up. "You have a nasty bump on your head." He says as he helps me lay down.

"What happened?" I asked as Carlisle walked in with some water. He handed it off to Emmett. Who helped me sit up so I could get a drink.

"Bella cut herself. Edward threw you into the stairs before pushing her into a bunch of glass. Making it much worse than it needed to be." Carlisle says as he starts to check for any more injuries.

"Jasper freaked out and went to attack Edward." Ian says as he walks in. "Don't blame him for that either." He said as he handed Carlisle something.

"Why?" I asked as I closed my eyes as Carlisle touched a sore spot.

"Because he threw you!" Emmett growled as he took my hand in his.

"We are all really upset with him." Esme said as she stood behind Emmett. I slowly nodded my head at them.

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