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I felt like I was being burnt alive

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I felt like I was being burnt alive. But deep down I knew I would wake up. But what would I be like? But what really confused me was the dreams I kept having. It was of a little boy with Emmett and I. But I knew they weren't dreams. It was more like flashes of the future. But that couldn't be.

"Mommy!" I heard him yell as I started to get feeling back in my toes and fingers. "It is almost time for you to wake up. I'll be with you soon." He said as he ran up to me and hugged me. I hugged him back. Not knowing what else to do. This boy couldn't be more than five years old.

"I don't understand? Who are you?" I asked as I knelt down in front of him. He was a cute kid. He looked to be about ten now. He started to change right before my eyes. He was now standing as tall as Emmett and just as old. So maybe 20 years old. If I had to take a guess. How is that possible? Nothing was making sense to me.

"Can't you see, Mom?" He said and I noticed he looked like Emmett. He had his hair, his chin. But his eyes were mine. I stared at him confused before I touched my stomach.

"Are you... are you our son?" I asked and he just smiled and nodded his head at me. I knew it was impossible for Emmett and I to have kids. Him being dead and all. But a part of me always hoped to give him a child.

"I'm in your belly now. We saved you!" He said but I didn't understand. His voice was as deep as Emmett's was and I had to shake my head at him.

"You saved me?" I asked and he gave me a sheepish smile.

"You were hurt. So I bit you when dad did." He said and I smiled at him. I didn't know how that was going to save me but I knew he was only doing what he thought was best.

"Thank you my little hero!" I said as I smiled at him.

"Do you think dad is mad at me for biting you?" He asked and I could only shake my head.

"No! He isn't mad at you. He loves you just as much as I do." I told him as more feeling was coming back. "How could either of us ever be mad at our little boy?" I asked and he smiled at me. I laughed as it was Emmett's smile.

"I will see you soon!" He said and gave me a kiss on the head. And take it easy on dad. He really does love you!" He said as the burning was almost out. I could hear Emmett talking now. I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes.

"Baby! Fuck, Brooklyn. You scared me to death. I thought you would never open your eyes." Emmett said as he squeezed my hand.

"It was so real!" I said as I sat up. I heard a chuckle before I noticed it wasn't just Emmett and I in a room. Carlisle was also in the room with us. Hell, we weren't even in the hotel any more. We were... I wasn't sure where we were. "Where are we?" I asked as I looked around. Nothing looked familiar.

"Alaska!" He said and I slowly understood where we were. We were with the Denali coven. I had heard about them but we have never met. Emmett and Jasper never like me around anyone but the family.

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