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I was pissed when I heard her whiney voice

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I was pissed when I heard her whiney voice. "They can't do this! We are a part of this family too." She wailed and I rolled my eyes as I closed the door to the nursery. I made sure that the door was locked before I headed down to the living room.

"Bella, this isn't going to change anything. It will only make things worse. They want nothing to do with you!" I heard Edward say as they both came inside.

I stood with my family as my mate was safely away in the nursery. After Edward had told us the whole truth about what had happened last spring Brooklyn was pissed and started to have contractions. We all got worried and Carlisle told me to take her up stairs to calm down.

"You are not welcome here!" Esme hissed as she stood next to Carlisle. This seemed to stop Bella in her tracks.

"You don't mean that, Esme. I am a part of this family! I am Edward's mate. How can you be so mean to us? So uncaring to your son and his mate?" She said with a foot stomp.

"She is acting like a spoiled child that isn't getting her way." Rosalie said and I nodded my head at that. Bella looked at all of us hurt.

"Why did you bring her here?" Ian asked as he moved next to me. Bella looked between the two brothers before she decided to answer the question.

"I am here because I am as much a part of this family as that bitch Brooklyn. I'm more important than she is. Or have you all forgotten that?" She hissed and it made us all laugh. Edward looked uncomfortable as she just started to stomp her feet and glare at him. "Make them stop." She yelled but stopped and looked up the stairs. Her mouth fell open. Her eyes were wide. And it looked like she was going to cry. I looked and there stood Brooklyn holding her stomach. A look of pure pain on her face.

"Emmett!" A small whimper came out of.my mate's mouth. Carlisle and I ran to her side.

"Let's get her to the room!" Carlisle said and I carefully picked.my mate up.

"Oh no you are going to explain this!" Bella said as she tried to block our path. I growled at her and she shook her head.

"Bitch if you don't move I will feed off of you." Brooklyn hissed, making Edward move her out of our way before Brooklyn could do what she said she would..

"You should take your blood bag home before she gets hurt. By someone other than just Brooklyn and Emmett.: I heard Alice say and I smiled. It was about time she stood up for Brooklyn!

"Alice!" Edward said but it was clear she said everything in her head. "Fine, I will take her home." Edward said it was only a moment later that the front door was opened then closed.

"She will be back." Esme said as she walked into the room we had set up for Brooklyn and the baby. "It is clear Edward has no desire to uphold his part of the agreement." She said and Carlisle sighed.

"Then he leaves us no choice. I will not let this girl or him harm my family any more." Carlisle said as Ian and Jasper walked in.

"Should we start packing his shit?" Jasper asked as Carlisle only nodded his head at them.

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