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As the years passed Brooklyn and I grew closer and closer

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As the years passed Brooklyn and I grew closer and closer. My love for her is growing with every passing day. She brought out a side of me I thought I had lost when I was turned. She still loves to cuddle up with me and fall asleep every night. It made me smile as I thought she would have grown out of it when she was a teenager. But every night she would wear one of my shirts (normally the one I wore that day and a pair of shorts or sleeping pants and cuddle up to me on the couch as we watched a movie. I would let her fall asleep in my arms before taking her to our room and putting her into bed before leaving to go and hunt.

When she started high school I was a nervous wreck. I would watch as boys would hit on her and she would kindly tell them no that she wasn't interested in them, making me smile even though I would be mad at them for talking with my mate. I could see the jealousy on her face when girls would try and talk with me. But much like her I would tell them I wasn't interested in them. I knew it was time to tell her that she was the only one that I wanted to be with. Being my mate and all.

We were just about finished our sophomore year and I was tired of waiting. I wanted her to be my girlfriend and to show the humans here that we were in fact taken. That she was mine and I was hers. It also didn't help that a freshman thought she was playing hard to get and wouldn't leave her alone. It took everything in me not to kill him and claim her as mine.

So on our last day of school I walked up to her and kissed her, right in front of the arrogant Mike Newton. He was pissed as I told Brooklyn that I loved her and wanted to be with her. I was a little surprised when she kissed me. But recovered quickly as I kissed her back. Holding her close to my body. I took her hand and we walked to my jeep. What happened next shocked and confused me.

"Thanks for saving me back there! With Mike. He can never seem to get that I don't like him like that." She said as she looked at her hand. I looked at her confused. Until I remember she didn't know she was my mate. We have never really talked about it or brought it up around her. I had never told her, wanting her to love me for me and not because she was my mate. Edward still didn't like the fact that she was living with us. Even though Carlisle had told the Volturi about my mate and all that had happened. They gave us until she turned 21 to be turned. "I know your mate won't like it when you find her. She won't want you to be around me anymore." She said as I was shocked. She didn't look at me and I could hear the sadness in her voice. I hated it when she wouldn't look at me. I pulled over on the side of the road so we could talk.

"I don't think my mate will mind!" I said as I unbuckled her and pulled her into my lap and kissed her soft lips. I wanted to do more but knew I still needed to take it slow with her. She was only 16 after all. "Cause you are my mate. I wanted to wait until you were old enough to be with me. I didn't want to push you into anything. I will never hurt you, my little mate." I say as now it was her turn to be shocked. I smiled as I kissed her again. "I love you Brooklyn. I have since you came into my life. You have been and will always be my everything." I say as she opens and closes her mouth, making me smile. She seemed to be broken for whatever was going through her head because she kissed me again.

"I love you Baby girl!" I say as soon as our kiss was broken but I pulled her closer.

"I love you too Emmett." She said as I smiled at her. I wanted to hear her say it again. But this time I knew it meant so much more. It wasn't her just saying that she loves me or one of our family members. No she meant it. She was in love with me.

"We should get home... My little mate will be hungry soon!" I said just before her stomach growled at us. She blushed as she slapped my chest, making me laugh. I kissed her again before helping her get back into her seat. I smiled as I held her hand as I drove. I finally had my mate by my side. Where she belonged and where she would stay, with me. I smiled as I kept looking over at her. Making sure she was ok and that she didn't start to freak out. As I knew her all too well. I knew when everything clicked in her brain that she was going to be embraced and not want to be around me or anyone for that matter. 

I always knew that Emmett was something special to me, but I never once thought I could be his mate

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I always knew that Emmett was something special to me, but I never once thought I could be his mate. I mean when I was a little girl and he has always been 'My big teddy bear'. But now it made more sense as to why we shared a room even though I was the only one that slept in there. Or why I always felt safe in his arms. Or why he always lets me wear his shirts. I smiled as we drove, Emmett not letting go of my hand. When we got home Emmett stopped me from going inside. He pulled me into his arms and kissed my head. "I love you Princess." He said against my head. "I am really happy you are mine now!" He said as I looked up at him.

"I love you too Em!" I said as I stood on my tiptoes to kiss him. I watched as a smile creeped onto his face. I could tell that this was his new favorite line from me.

"You have no idea how long I have waited to hear you say that." He says as he rests his forehead against mine. I could feel my cheeks getting red. He stroked them, cooling my face down. I knew my heart was beating fast, making Emmett smile at me more. It made me blush even more before turning and walking away from Emmett. He chuckled as he caught up to me and put an arm around my shoulders. "Don't be shy with me now, little mate!" He said as he kissed my head. "I love hearing your heart pick up and go crazy when I touch you!" He said as stopped and looked at him shocked. Of course he knew when he touched me that my heart could go crazy. I rolled my eyes and slapped his chest. He faked being hurt that I would do that before pulling me into his arms and kissing me.

I gasped as I realized that the whole family could hear how my heart went crazy whenever Emmett would touch me. I glared at Emmett before taking off to the room. I ran in and closed the bedroom door before locking myself in the bathroom. "Brook... Baby, open the door." Emmett said as he knocked on the door to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and the little radio I had in there, so I could cry without them hearing me.

I cried until I was cried out. I didn't want to leave though I knew I couldn't waste any more water. So I turned that off but left the radio on. Emmett would knock on the door asking me to come out but I would just stay in there. "Baby girl... Please come out and talk with me. I don't like it when you do this." I heard Emmett say, I could hear that he was hurt but so was I. Thay had been lying to me for years. I wasn't sure who to be more mad at Emmett or the family. I mean Rosalie knew that I had a crush on Emmett and never said anything to me. I shook my head as I knew that I was going to have to face him sooner or later. But I also knew that he would be waiting right outside the door. Waiting to talk to me.

I sighed and got myself up and washed my face getting ready to face the man that I have loved since I was five years old.

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