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⚠️Warnings⚠️ 🔞

⚠️Warning⚠️ Smut in this Chapter!- Description of sexual activity, body parts, Inappropriate language, gif that show Semi sexual activity. As well as other things inappropriate for Readers under the age of 18.🔞

I was upset that my mate refused to come out of the bathroom

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I was upset that my mate refused to come out of the bathroom. I sat next to the door as I waited for her to come out. I knew she was upset because we all knew she was my mate and how she reacted to me. I wanted to tell her that it was nothing to be ashamed of and that I loved how she reacted to me. That no one cared as long as she was happy and ok with us being together. All that mattered now was talking to her about turning. I didn't want her to as I knew she wanted to have kids and vampires can't have kids. Rosalie was 100% against it. But Brook was my mate and I wanted us together.

I growled as it has been hours since she locked herself in the bathroom. "Baby please... I know you are upset with me and the family... but please open the door and talk to me." I said as I stood in front of our bathroom door. I hear it being unlocked. Making me sigh as it was a start. I opened the door to find my mate sitting on the floor by the tube. Her eyes were all red and puffy but she had washed all her makeup off. I sighed as I walked over to her and picked her up. I walked her back into our room and laid us down on our bed. "Don't be ashamed. I love how you react to me. It showed me that you had feelings for me. It kept me sane as every guy would try to ask you on a date. You never reacted to them like that." I said as she sniffled a little.

I kissed her head as she buried her face into my chest. "I love you Brooklyn." I said and her heart rate picked up. I smiled as it skipped a beat. "If my heart could beat it would be beating so fast when you kissed me today. I never thought I would find you. I thought I would always be alone. And then when I walked up and smelt you for the first time... Only to see that you were 5 years old. I knew that I would get something that the rest wouldn't. I got to watch you grow into an amazing beautiful woman. That I am absolutely crazy about." I tell her, making her lift her head and look at me. I kissed her and we got a little heated. But I made sure that we didn't take it too far as I didn't want to pressure her into anything. Though I wanted to.

Three months later

I smiled as things between me and Brooklyn had been going better. I had gone out hunting before the family. I wanted time alone with my mate. Even if it was only kissing that we were doing. I chuckled as I heard her running up the stairs to our room. I knew she was going to start my shower as I didn't like her seeing me with blood all over my clothes. I went straight to our room and started removing my clothes. I was only in my boxers when she walked out of the bathroom. I was stunned when I saw she was wearing every thin silk pajama set. I tried to not show my reaction as I walked over to her.

"I hope no one else has seen you in this!" I said as I picked her up and kissed her. I walked us into the bathroom and set her on the counter.

"No! Just you!" She said as I played with the shorts that barely covered her ass. I growled as all the stands between me and my mate was just a little bit of fabric.

"Damn baby... I think I need to go hunting again." I said as Brooklyn smirked at me.

"Or you could stay here with me." She said as she pushed my boxers down. It was nothing new for us to be found kissing in our bathroom. Me in my boxers and her in whatever she had decided to wear to bed. But this was new and I didn't want to stop. I growled as she slowly ran her hand up my cock.

"Baby..." I moaned as she started to stroke my cock. Fuck it felt so good. Her warm hand wrapped around my dick. "Brooklyn!" I moaned as I gripped her shorts tighter and she started to kiss my neck. I ripped her shorts off of her. Revealing she had no panties on. I groaned as she was making this so hard for me. "Baby..." I said with a pout. She smiled at me before removing her top. "Baby girl...." I said, but I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I took in every inch of her naked body. I have never seen her naked before and I am loving what I am seeing.

"I want you Emmett!" She said into my ear. I growled as I picked her up and moved us to the shower. She screamed as we stepped in. The water was freezing. I chuckled as I turned it to hot. I let the water run over us as we made out. "Emmett!" She moaned as I rubbed her pussy with my fingers. I growled again as I pushed her up against the wall. I looked into her eyes to make sure she didn't have second thoughts about what we were about to do.

"Are you sure?" I asked as I didn't want her to think that is all I wanted her for.

"Yes! Emmett I am sure. You are the only thing I have ever been sure about." She said before kissing me. I quickly moved us to our bed. Though I wanted to take her in the shower I didn't want our first time to be in there. She giggled as I threw the blankets off of our bed and laid her down. I grabbed a condom and put it on before claiming on top of her. I kissed her as I pushed into her tight pussy. I moaned as she gasped, making me stop. "Don't stop!" She said, making me nod my head at her. I watched as I pushed the rest of the way inside of her. Fuck she felt amazing. It made me wonder what she would feel like without a condom on. I would have to see the next time we had sex. She kissed me as I started to move. I groaned as Brooklyn pulled me closer to her. I loved feeling her body against mine. And now that we were completing our mate bound, had me on cloud nine. She was 100% mine and I was all hers.

"I love you Brooklyn!" I said as I became more ruff with her. She moaned something even I couldn't understand. I moaned when I felt her pussy start to pulsate. Letting me know she was, more than enjoying what we were doing. I started to go faster as I felt my own end approaching fast. I moaned as I released into the condom. Kind of wishing it was just inside of her. I mean why should I use a condom if I can't give her a baby. But I knew that my venom was also in my swimmers and I didn't know what that would do to her and I was a little scared to ask as I didn't want everyone knowing that I was ready to complete our bond.

"I love you Emmett!" She said, making me smile at her. I could see she was tied and ready for bed. I chuckled as I pulled out of her and threw the condom away. I moved her so her head was on the pillows. I grabbed the blankets and went to bed with her. I didn't want her to get dressed just yet so I didn't say anything to her. I smiled when she cuddled up to me. You would think over the years it would have no effect on me but no! I loved having my mate cuddle with me. Feeling the warmth of her body. I heard the rest of the family get home but I stayed in bed with my now sleeping mate. I wasn't going to leave her after we just made love. I smiled as she moaned in her sleep and said my name. I smirked as I pulled her closer to me.

"I'm right here baby!" I whispered to her as she slept. I heard Edward make a nasty comment about my mate and how she was going to get us all killed. But that was soon followed by breaking glass and an angry Jasper. Or better yet Major. I sighed as I knew I would need to leave my mate. I quickly put on clothes before making sure Brooklyn was in a deep sleep. Before I went to yell at my asshole brother. But I didn't have to do much as the rest of the family was already on him.

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