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I growled when Alice told us to wait

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I growled when Alice told us to wait. That everything needed to be perfect for when we walked in and saw Edward's mate for the first time. Brooklyn rolled her eyes as Ian handed her an apple. I growled at him. He in return smirked at me. "Not my fault you forgot to grab her lunch. That was right next to your bag by the way." He said as we started to push each other. I knew he was right as I always grabbed her lunch. But with her mad at me, I completely forgot. All I wanted at the time was for her to talk to me and look at me.

I wrapped my arms around Brooklyn and kissed her head. I smiled as she took a bit out of her apple. Alice huffed at us. "She is human Alice. She needs to eat." Jasper said as Alice looked at him shocked. "This is a bit much if you ask me. We are drawing too much attention to ourselves." He said as Alice shook her head no at him.

"Can we go in?" Brooklyn asked as we all knew she was getting hungry and annoyed. Alice huffed and nodded her head. Rosalie and Ian walked in first followed by me and Brooklyn. I listened to what Jessica was saying about us. She always liked to talk shit about Brooklyn and it pissed me off.

"That's Brooklyn and Emmett. Now she was adopted after her family was murder. Really sad too, she was only like 5 when it happened. Her and Emmett got together about two years ago. They are super cute together. But keep your hand off of him if you want to keep them." She said as I shook my head. She only thought that as now Mike didn't try to ask Brooklyn out anymore. That I and threatened to kill him if he ever came near her again.

"Wait, so she is a Cullen as well?" I heard the new girl ask.

"She is adopted by them but her last name is Whitlock." Angela said as she looked over at us. "She is really nice until you try to push up on Emmett." She said, making me kiss Brooklyn. Which made her giggle.

After a few minutes Jasper, Alice and Edward joined us. Edward looked like someone pissed in his cheerios. That thought caused him to glare at me. "I can't read her mind." He said and we all looked at him confused. Brooklyn ignored him as she ate. I stole a grape from her and threw it at Ian. Making her laugh. Ian stuck out his tongue and threw it back at me.

"I think Brooklyn should befriend her. That way she will feel more comfortable when it is time to meet all of us." Alice said, causing Brooklyn to choke on a grape. I patted her back as did Rosalie. Rosalie glared at Alice.

"Well, luckily it isn't up to you who Brooklyn befriends." She said and I nodded my head in agreement.

"No thanks! I will pass." Brooklyn said before taking a drink. Alice looked annoyed as Edward looked hurt.

"Do you hate me so much that you won't even befriend her?" Edward asked, making all of us look at him. He didn't call her his mate so he wasn't sure if she was or not. I know right away that Brooklyn was my mate. Edward looked at me shocked before looking over at the new girl.

"Why should I be nice to you? When have you ever been nice to me?" Brooklyn asked, making Edward growl at her. This made Ian, Jasper and I growl at him.

"Watch it Edward. We may be brothers but Brook is also family. And she is human. I will not stop Emmett from killing you if you hurt her. If fact I will help!" He said as I smirked at Edward who looked shocked. But he knew that Rosalie and Ian saw Brooklyn like their daughter.

"Whatever she doesn't belong with us." Edward said, pissing me off.

"What did you just say?" I asked, making him look at me shocked. He tried to back petal and said we all knew what he meant. "No Edward please explain what you mean by my mate doesn't belong with us." I said with so much anger in my voice. I was over him and his bullshit.

"She is human. She should be with humans." He finally said as he went back to looking at the new girl.

"She is my mate, you jackass. And if she can't be with me then you can't be with her!" I growled at him as I pointed at that new girl. He looked at me shocked and then pissed.

"She is also my family. But then again you have never cared that she was being hunted by a vampire." Jasper said and this caused Brooklyn to stiffen up. I sighed as now she would have nightmares about that night again. Ian and Rosalie noticed this as well and glared at Edward.

"Can we all stop?" Alice asked as she was bouncing in her set. "Brooklyn and Bella will be great friends." She said and this made Brooklyn scoff.

"And in what world would I ever be friends with someone that is with him?" Brooklyn asked with an edge to her voice. She was still very much pissed at Alice. Alice looked at her shocked.

"Come on Brook don't you want a new friend. One that is more like you." Alice said. Brooklyn looked at Alice and then the new girl.

"Yeah... I don't think we have anything in common with each other. She looks like a boy. And clearly doesn't know it's rude to stare." Brooklyn said as she pointed at the new girl. We all looked and she was staring at us. She looked away for a minute before looking back at us. I glared at her as she looked right at my mate and sighed.

After lunch we all went our separate ways. Brooklyn had creative writing and I had French. I hated that we did have all our classes together. I didn't like to be apart from her when other guys were around.

Edward walked up to me and sighed. "How do I talk to her? How do I?" He asked as I looked at him confused.

"Why are you asking me?" I asked as he looked at me confused.

"Well before Brooklyn you were what they call now a player." He said as I looked at him annoyed. "What I mean is you and Brooklyn have a bond with each other. Even when she is upset with you she still loves you and you, her." He said as I glared at him.

"Why don't you see if she is even your mate. What if she is your blood singer? Have you ever thought about that?" I asked as he shook his head.

"Alice said we are mates. She has never been wrong." He said and I scoffed.

"Alice is also the one that said that nothing would happen the night we found Brooklyn. She was wrong there. She can be wrong again." I said as I walked into my class.

When school was over I watched my mate as she walked over to me. I smiled as I wrapped my arms around her. "I'm sorry for this morning. I just hate seeing you fight with Jasper!" I said as I kissed her soft lips.

"So am I." She said and I smirked at her.

"Does this mean we get to have make up sex?" I asked, making her slap my chest. I chuckled as I picked her up and carried her to my jeep. I had it all planned out. And I would take my time with her showing her just how much I loved her.

"We need to get Brooklyn home." I heard Alice say as she took Rosalie's and Brooklyn's arms.

"What? Why?" I asked as she looked a little scared.

"I was wrong." Was all she said as she pushed Rosalie and Brooklyn into my jeep. "We will meet you at the house." She said as she took my keys from me. I turned to see Edward looking all pissed off. I growled as this was because of him. He didn't look at me, just glared at everyone.

Then the new girl came walking out. "She isn't one of us!" I growled and he looked like he was ready to kill me.

"Neither is Brooklyn!" He hissed and I growled at him.

"Brooklyn is one of us!" Jasper said as he too was glaring at Edward. "It was decided the day she was born. This girl is your blood singer. Kill her and be done with it!" He said, making Edward shake his head and just glare.

"You don't get it. There is more to her. I know it. Alice saw it!" He said as he looked defeated. 

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