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It has been a week and Bella and Edward have only been seen at school

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It has been a week and Bella and Edward have only been seen at school. That is according to Alice since she still has to go. I didn't care but my family wondered where he was staying and what he was up to. As we all know he would take being kicked out very well.

I rolled my eyes as everyone had gone out hunting besides myself, Jace and Alice. She looked at me and sighed before looking out the window. "If you are waiting on Bella and Edward then you will all be in for a fight! You were already warned but not only Carisle and Esme but your own mate what will happen if you keep pushing her on us. On me." I said as I sat with Jace on the living room floor and we played. He grew faster than a normal baby but not fast enough to make me scared that I could lose him in a few years.

"They just want to talk." She said as she looked out the window. "We owe them that much!" She said and I just rolled my eyes at her. We didn't owe him anything. Not after all he had done.

"Humm... Is that why you told everyone to go hunting and why you would stay with me and Jace? You do know that Emmett will kill them both right!" I asked and she sighed.

"They want to talk to you. Without the family. Edward thinks that you and Bella could be great friends and I think so too. But he also wants to talk with you. Apologized to you for all he has done to you over the years." She said and I laughed at her. He only wanted to do that so I would become friends with his blood bag.

"Have I not said it enough?" I asked as I turned to look at Alice who was now pouting at me. "Continue and we will be on the outs again. But this time it will include the rest of the family. My uncle included." I said as I picked up Jace and started to walk away.

"He wants to come back home. But knows that he won't be allowed as long as she is around. We are hurting him when we should be standing by him and letting him be happy." She said and I just nodded my head at her.

"And let me guess. If I become friends with her... You both think that the rest of our family will welcome her in with open arms?" I asked and she nodded her head. "I will never be friends with the person who thinks they have a right to my mate." I said as she stared behind me. I heard a gasp before I turned and noticed Bella and Edward standing behind me. "I hate her and all the bad shit she brings with her. As does our family. You two are the only ones that think she is anything special." I said before walking up the stairs. I heard Bella running up after me.

"Hey wait!" She yelled and I turned to glare at her making her skid to a stop a few feet away from me. "I get, we got off to a bad start. But you don't even know me." She said and I chuckled at her.

"That the thing Bella... I don't want to know you! I don't want to be friends with you. I don't want Edward anywhere near my son." I said as she stared at me hurt. "If he didn't like you then I might have talked to you nicely. But because of him you will never matter to me, your life will never matter to me. And when you die... I will gladly take him out to join you!" I said as Edward walked up behind her and looked shocked. "Edward may not be able to read your thoughts but it is clear as day to the rest of us what you are and what you want." I said as they both looked at me shocked.

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