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I hated that my mate was now a vampire

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I hated that my mate was now a vampire. I hated that our son knew that Brooklyn was in danger before I registered it. But it was nice to have her at the same temperature. Though very different. Her eyes... I missed her milk chocolate eyes. I hated that they were red and would soon be gold. Though the love in them didn't change it was all about the color. And now the fear of what would happen to our son plagues me. I know he is moving as I have felt it myself. But will that continue? Will he live? Will we be able to hold him in our arms, watch him grow? These are all the thoughts I am running through my head as my beautiful mate feeds off a bear I had taken down.

"I don't get why you needed to take it down. Isn't that something I should be doing?" Brooklyn asked, breaking me from my thoughts.

"I don't want anything to happen!" I said as I looked away from her a little ashamed of my thoughts. But no one has ever seen this happen. Let alone heard of this happening. I mean yeah! There were rumors. But nothing that was proven to be true.

"Happen?" She asked and I nodded my head.

"I don't want him to get hurt! I don't!" I said as she walked up to me. Just a hint of blood gracing her dress. "I can't... We can't!" I said as she gave me a small giggle.

"It scares me too!" She said, making me sigh. "But sooner or later I will have to do this on my own." she said and I huffed. "He will have to do this on his own!" She said and I growled. I like the idea of providing for my family.

"Why? I like talking them down and giving them to you!" I whined, making her shake her head at me.

"My big strong man! Presenting me with his kill!" She said as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I growled as she was a complete turn on but I knew I would have to hold back until we knew what was going to happen to our son. But the look she was giving me had me completely turned on. "Kiss me!" She said as she leaned up. I leaned down only, meaning to kiss her. But the desire to have my mate was so strong.

"I want you!" I said as I quickly removed her dress. I tried my best to slow my actions but there was no stopping this. She was mine and I wanted her. The pull to her now was even more intense then before.

"You will always have me." She said as she worked my shirt over my head. I growled as I ripped her bra and panties from her body.

"So beautiful!" I hummed as I picked her up and pushed her against the closest tree. I undid my pants as I held her up. I loved the feel of her against my skin. She was soft and warm and I knew I felt the same way now to her. I didn't need a blanket to keep her warm as we laid together. I didn't need to fear that I would hurt her if I moved wrong. I groaned as I pushed into her. "Fuck!" I hissed as she felt so good. Yet so different. I couldn't stop myself from going over the difference between human Brooklyn and the new vampire Brooklyn. She wasn't like any newborn I have come across. It made me wonder if it was because she was raised by Carlisle and Esme. Or was it because she was my mate.

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