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I was annoyed when we were getting ready to leave and Edward asked if he could use the jeep

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I was annoyed when we were getting ready to leave and Edward asked if he could use the jeep. "Why do you need to use my jeep?" Emmett asked as he helped me up.

"I wanted to go and pick up Bella so she could come. You can run with Brooklyn. But Bella isn't used to all of this. So I thought it best if I used your jeep." He said and I gasped. Everyone looked at him and frowned.

"This is a family event, Edward." Alice said as she moved over to us.

"I know but Bella really wants to get to know you all. She was rather upset that you all were not happy about her being here earlier. She just wants a chance to become friends with you all." He said and I scoffed. Yeah! I am sure that is what she wants.

"Maybe because no one was happy about you bringing her over. After you were told no. Maybe you should start listening!" I said and got a glare from him. I smirked as I buckled myself up.

"Sorry Edward... But I am taking my mate in my jeep. Use your own car." Emmett said as he moved to get in himself.

"Why are you all acting like this? I thought you would be happy for me." Edward yelled as he threw something at the wall.

"Edward..." Carlisle said as he moved to my side of the jeep. "I know you want someone to be with. But this girl isn't your mate. She is your blood singer. And I will not stand by and let you try to control my coven. If you don't like what I lay down as rules then you are free to leave." Carlisle said as Edward just shook his head.

"Could you atleast give her a chance? That is all I am asking for!" Edward asked, making Emmett growl at him.

"Why should we when you have never done that with Brooklyn!" Rosalie yelled at him.

"I know and I am sorry." Edward said, making me scoff at him. "And if she would give me a chance I would like to fix that mistake." He said as he smiled over at me. I glared at him. He sighed as he looked to Emmett and then Carlisle. "Please let me bring her. If you still don't want her around after that then I will stop bringing her around." He said and I just laughed. It was another fifteen minutes of everyone going back and forth before Edward said he would still bring her as she was important to him and wanted her there. I rolled my eyes as we left. He was still pissed that we didn't give him the jeep.

I stood with Rosalie as Edward arrived with Bella. "God I can smell her from here!" Rosalie said as our mate walked over to us. I laughed which got me a glare from Bella. Emmett kissed me as Edward and Bella walked up to us.

"Hi!" She said with the awkward wave. "I am hoping we can all be friends." She said as we all just stared at her. She looked at me and frowned when she saw my necklace. It held Emmett's name on it in diamonds. "I was hoping I could talk with Emmett and get to know him first." She said and Emmett hissed as he leaned into me.

"I'll pass. I don't want to know the bitch that assaulted my MATE!" He said, making sure that she understood that I was his mate. Edward sighed as he looked between Bella and Emmett. Bella looked hurt by his words and that made me smile.

"She also assaulted me! And did more damage." She said and my uncle growled at her.

"But you hit her first!" Ian said as he glared at his brother's new feeding bag.

"Come on, it is almost time." He said as he pulled me away. I giggled as he threw me over his shoulder. "Do you know how much I love you?" He asked once he put me down.

"No!" I said and he growled at me. I giggled as I tried to run away from him.

"You know I don't like it when you lie!" He said as he grabbed me. I let a small moan pass my lips as he kissed my neck. "Should I remind you what happens when you lie to me?" He asked and I moaned a yes. "Such a naughty little mate!" He said before backing away from me. I huffed as he smirked at me. "You should go and take your spot!" He said with a chuckle.

"OH! You will pay for that, Emmett McCarthy." I hissed at him. He just laughed as he ran to the outfield. I walked over to my Esme. Who smiled at me but frowned when Bella stepped next to her.

"Come, my baby!" She said and I smiled at her. She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me over to Carlisle. Who kissed my head. Bella pouted as she was ignored by my family. Edward frowned when they switched.

"Could you be nice to her? If you give her a chance, the rest of the family will!" He said and I frowned at him. "Look I know I wasn't the nicest to you and I am sorry. I was jealous and I took it out on you! But don't do that to her." He said as I glared at him now.

"She stalked and assaulted me. And you want me to be nice to her?" I asked in disbelief. I heard her gasp as many of my family started to chuckle. "She not only stalked me but the rest of the family. And you think that we should be ok with her?" I asked and Edward shook his head. "And let me point out the creep ass way she stares at my boyfriend." I said and Edward looked at Bella and frowned. "Open your eyes Edward. She is only here for one reason. And I am sure you are not the reason!" I said and Edward frowned at me. Alice gasped and then glared at Bella. We all looked from one to the other. Jasper was quick to move me away from Edward.

"I think it best I take Bella home now." Edward said but Alice shook her head.

"It's too late, they heard us. They will be here any minute." She said and I frowned before Emmett pulled me into his arms.

"Nomads. They heard us. Remember what we talked about!" He whispered. I froze as I tried my best to calm my speeding heart.

"Is there time to get Brook out? She doesn't have a scent. They wouldn't know she was here. Emmett and I could get her out. Get her home!" Ian said as Emmett pulled me closer.

"But your scents would be here. That will only bring up questions and maybe a fight!" Jasper said with a growl. "I don't like it but I think it's best if we all stay. I can help calm her. They won't know she is human. And if they do it is us against them." He said and my heart picked up again. They have never had me around vampires that feed from humans. Well expect the Volturi. But they had better control. Most of the time.

"Don't worry baby... We won't let anything happen to you. Stay calm and show no emotion." Emmett said as Ian and my uncle moved closer to us.

"There here!" Alice said as everyone turned to where they would be. My heart rate picked up but soon slowed as my uncle took my hand in his. I nodded my head at him. Emmett took my hand and held it. I squeezed Emmett's hand out of fear. I didn't listen to what was said until.

"You brought a snack!" One of them said and the whole family reacted. But they weren't looking at me, they were looking at Bella. Emmett soon realized that and moved to stand with me. The red head looked at me and smiled. I keep my face blank, to not show any fear. But I was sure she knew I was human.

"I can see the game is over!" The other male said and Emmett nodded his head. Soon Rosalie, Ian and my uncle joined us. I looked at Esme and she was standing next to Bella but you could tell she wasn't happy. As soon as the nomads were out of sight I let my breath out.

"Emmett your keys!" Edward growled, making Emmett growl back.

"Use your own car!" Ian hissed at him. "Because of you Brooklyn was exposed." He said as he moved in front of me. Edward stepped back. "We have done everything to keep her hidden!" He yelled, making Bella cover her ears.

"It is not my fault!" Bella yelled as Edward and Emmett stood nose to nose.

"Yes it is. You weren't supposed to be here. This wouldn't have happened if you weren't here." Rosalie hissed at her. I shook my head and started to walk back to the Jeep.

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