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I was surprised that Edward stayed true to his word and didn't bring Bella back to the house

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I was surprised that Edward stayed true to his word and didn't bring Bella back to the house. He did however try to leave after the ceremony was over. Claiming it was too hard to watch. But no one cared if he left. We were all just enjoying our time as a family. I heard Carlisle warn him about his hunting activities and how the wolves had been looking for him. "I am not going to hunt any more humans. I am just going to check on her! I have to see that she is ok!" Edward said, making me laugh.

"Well don't be surprised if the mutt is in her bed with her." Alice said as she walked past him and Carlisle. I laughed as we all knew that the mutt and Bella have been getting close. But I wonder just how close they were getting. My attention was pulled away from them and back to Brooklyn and Emmett. I smiled at how happy they both were.

"You know... We should have another wedding!" Rosalie whispered into my ear. I smiled at her as our last wedding Brooklyn was our flower girl.

"I think that is a great idea! It has been over ten years since our last wedding! It is time for another one. But we might have to wait as Carlisle and Esme have been planning on redoing theirs." I said as Brooklyn screamed. I turned just in time to see the wolves running at us. But what I didn't expect was the wall of fire to stop them in their tracks. I turned to Brooklyn and noticed her hands raised up. Like she was controlling the wall of fire.

"You ruin everything!" Brooklyn yelled and I thought she was talking to Edward but her gaze was on someone else. I sifted to see who she was talking to. Bella Swan was who she was talking to.

I was pissed as Jake had left me because they had gotten word that Edward was back

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I was pissed as Jake had left me because they had gotten word that Edward was back. I ran out of the house and to my truck with Charlie yelling at me about how late it was. But I didn't care. Edward was home and hadn't come to talk to me or see how I was doing. I knew he had stopped killing as there hadn't been any deaths in the past few days.

"Just stop!" I yelled as I turned the key to my car. "I am eighteen years old!" I said as I backed out of the driveway. I floored it as fast as my truck would allow me. I was pissed and I knew that his family was the reason he hadn't come to see me. When I pulled up to the house it was lit up. But it wasn't lights that filled the surrounding area. It was a fire that lit the backyard.. I screamed as I ran to the back yard. But what I found when I got there shocked me. The Cullen's on one side of a wall of fire and the wolves and myself on the other. They looked scared and shocked at what was in front of them.

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