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⚠️Warnings⚠️ 🔞

⚠️Warning⚠️ Smut in this Chapter!- Description of sexual activity, body parts, Inappropriate language, gif that show Semi sexual activity. As well as other things inappropriate for Readers under the age of 18.🔞

A year and a half later

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A year and a half later

I smiled as my mate walked over to me. I watched as all the guys watched as she walked up to me and kissed me. "Hey there handsome!" Brooklyn said before she kissed me again. I smirked as I pulled her closer to me. The last year and a half we have been together has been amazing. Our bond is one of the strongest in our family. I inhaled and I could smell her arousal making me hard, making me growl.

"Now, now my little mate, we have talked about you getting all horny while we are at school." I said in a playful tone as I pushed her up against my jeep. I groaned as this seemed to turn her on more as her sweet arousal only got stronger. I looked at her and smiled. "Such a naughty little girl... I think we need to go home and have a talk about getting me worked up when you know I can't have you here." I said, making her moan as I growl and kiss her neck. "How wet are you, baby?" I asked as I slid my hand up into her dress. I growled as she was dripping wet for me. She was always so wet for me.

"Em... I want you! Now!" She said, making me groan again. I knew she did and I wanted her and I knew she could feel how hard I was for her as I pushed more into her.

"Get in the jeep!" I said as I opened the door. I watched her climb in and over to her side. I growled when I could see her panties. I wanted to pull her back and bury my face in her pussy. I got in quickly and drove away from the school. I headed straight to the place I had built for us. I moved my hand to her thigh and worked my way up to my prize. I smirked as she moaned and spread her legs for me. I slowly inserted one finger pushing it in and out at a cruel and slow pace. I wanted to work her up and take her over the edge before we got to our place.

"Emmett!" She moaned, making me look over and watch as she came for just one of my fingers.

"That's it baby girl!" I said as I helped her ride out her orgasm. I removed my finger and Broklyn whimpered. I smirked at her as I stuck my finger in my mouth. I moaned as I loved the way she tasted. "So good!" I said as I adjusted myself. My pants were getting a little too tight on me.

When we got on to the dirt road Brooklyn moved so she was straddling my lap. I moaned as she removed her dress. Leaving her in just her bra and panties. Fuck, she looked amazing in black lace. I sped up wanting to get her into our place before I buried myself deep inside of her. She unbuttoned my shirt as she kissed my neck. She moved to my pants and unbuckled them. I moaned as she slipped her hand into them and started to stroke me. I loved the way she would touch me. The feeling I would get from her touch. "Brook... Baby!" I growled as I parked my jeep in front of our house. I picked her up and ran into our home. I growled again as I removed my shirt. She looked at me waiting for me to remove my pants but I walked over to her and ripped her bra and panties off of her. I smirked as I walked around her. "Do you know how much I want you right now?" I asked as she shook her head at me. I knew that was a lie so I slapped her ass.

She yelped and then glared at me. I smiled as I moved back in front of her. "But I think you need to learn a lesson!" I said as she looked at me confused. I took her hand and walked us over to the couch. I sat down, I pulled her over my knee and she looked at me shocked. "I am thinking Five!" I said as she looked a little scared.

"Five?" She asked a little more than confused.

"Five spankings for making me hard and horny while we were at school." I said to clear things up. I didn't let her say anything else before I landed the first slap to her ass. She yelped and looked at me shocked. I ran my hand over the spot before doing the same to her other cheek. This time after rubbing her ass, I ran my hand over her pussy, making sure to run my fingers in her slick folds. She moaned and I knew this was something that we were going to have to explore. As she was even wetter than before. The next two slaps I did the same thing. By the fifth slap I was harder than ever and wanted to take her more than ever.

"Last one!" I said as she was breathing heavily. I slapped her a little harder before picking her up and laying her on the couch. I smirked at her and buried my face into her sweet and tasty core. Eating her like she was my last meal and I was on death row.

"OH! Shit Emmett!" She screamed out, making me lift her a little and slap her ass again. She gasped but then moaned.

"Do I need to give you 5 more?" I asked as I pulled away from her. She shook her head as cocked my head to the side.

"N-no!" She stuttered out, making me quickly chuckle at her.

"Good!" I said as I stood up, she looked at me confused as to what I was doing. I pulled her up and smiled. "I want to try something new!" I said as she just smiled at me.

"Come on big man!" She said, all seductive. I smirked as I grabbed her ass picking her up. She hissed as I clearly left an impact on her ass. I walked us over to the closest wall. I held her up as I freed myself from my jeans fully. I looked into her eyes before I thrusted into her hard and fast. Making her scream. I smirked as I loved making her scream and moan for me.

"This is it, baby scream for your man as I pound your tight pussy." I said before kissing her as I got a little ruff with her. But not enough to hurt her. I took her against the wall for a little while before moving her to lean over the couch. I made sure that she had an orgasm or two. I place one of her legs on the back of the couch as I slide back into her. I took her hips in my hands and pounded into her until we both came together. Both of us moaning, each other's names.

"Well that was new?" She said after she had caught her breath. I laughed as I loved how much she trusted me. I mean we had sex in different positions but it was alway in our bed. As I like to keep it behind closed doors. And we did as this was our house and our family wouldn't enter here unless we said they could.

"Yeah! It was!" I said as I helped her into our bathroom. I sat her on the edge of the tube. I turned the water on as I was going to run us a bath. "Did you enjoy it?" I asked as I was a little afraid she hadn't and it was just me that did.

"I did!" She said as she turned a light shade of pink. I smirked as I looked her body over for any damage. After our first time she had a few bruises and I was scared that I had hurt her but she had said over and over that they didn't hurt and that she never even noticed that I had given them to her. It took me a few days before I would allow myself to touch her again.

"So you would want to do something like that again? Maybe even try other things?" I asked, making her turn a brighter pink. She nodded her head. Clearly not trusting her voice. I kissed her as I picked her up and stepped into the tube with her in my arms.

"Good... Cause I would love to do something like that again. Especially, on say our dining room table!" I said as I grabbed the bodywash and started to wash her body. She giggled as she turned in my arms.

"You can have me wherever you want!" She said before kissing me.

"How about right here?" I asked as I felt myself start to get hard. She only smirked and lined herself up to take me again.

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