Just like jeff

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My dads name is Jeff. I barely consider him a father. When I was younger my parents were obviously still together, it was perfect. My mom was basically a stay at home mom and my dad worked, a lot. But when he came home all he wanted to do is be with his daughters. My mom tells me when he came home he's sit on the couch and me and him would just stare at each other for hours. On weekends when he didn't work, we'd play outside in the huge yard we had. I looked up to him so much. We'd ride quads together, we'd camp together, we did everything together. When I turned 7 my parents were starting to fight. My dad started doing drugs, and drinking. My mom moved out and a guy Jamie moved in. Jamie was my dads best friend. Jamie loved us like his own and we loved him like he was my other dad. He had a girlfriend name Jen, and they didn't have a safe relationship. It was an abusive relationship and the only people who were sober and old enough to understand, was me and mason. Mason is Jens kid. He was 3 days older then me. I loved mason like a brother. My dad used to have parties every weekend, but we didn't understand that it wasn't right. I had to take care of 'my little brother', louden. Who was 3 at the time and 'my younger sister' malorie, who was 6. They were also Jens kids, but they felt like they were so much closer to me. I remember it was 2am and louden was crying cause he couldn't find his mom, Jen and Jamie came stumbling in my room where, me, mason, louden, malorie and my blood related sister, liv, were. They started fighting and me and mason gathered everyone into the closet, and they were too drunk to realize we were there. They never left, and we all ended up sleeping in there. We've actually had a couple nights like that. The closet is where I went to when I felt scared or I couldn't go anywhere else. I grew up faster then most just because I had to understand what's wrong and what's right when I was little. Jamie past away this year. Because of drinking and drugs. He was my second father, even if I haven't seen him lately. I don't see mason, louden, or malorie much either. Nor Jen. There were nights where police would come to the house and arrest everyone that was outside and mason and I would babysit everyone. There was nights when I would cry myself to sleep because I was thinking my dad was gonna die like Jamie did. I have those nights often. Last year my dad caught his pants on fire and burnt the back of his legs. What if he didn't just catch the back of his legs, and it was his body. He could have died. I got a call from the hospital saying my dad was there and wanted to see me. I skipped school and went to go see him immediately. 6 months before that, he got into a quad accident and got the quad flipped on top of him and he broke his back. He's been into two car accident, one from drinking and driving and the other he slipped on ice. He has 9 lives but there slowly running out. I miss the dad that came home and I stared at, or the one that I used to quad ride with. The one that loved me. I miss him. I miss my parents that were together. My mom became abusive. She wouldn't handle the situations in the best hands. She'd just hit, and her problems would be solved.and I miss my sober dad, who was happy with my mom. But he's with my shithead of a step mom. Tiner wiener. I liked her at first but then she called out my moms abortion and called her every name in the book. Then she went psycho on my dad and hit him. She punched him and he got a bloody lip. I stole my dog that day. His name is spud. I went back to return him and I was with my friend, Caleb.my dad was wandering around because wiener locked him out of the house. I called the police and they said its her house too and they can't kick her out. Then my mom took my dad to my uncles. I realized my mom didn't have to do that, but she did for me. Cause she knew I wouldn't leave him here all night and I wouldn't be able to sleep until I knew he was safe. I still hate Tina. She apologized but then like 3 days ago she did it again. I haven't seen my dad in 2 weeks now. And it's hard but I'll get through it. It's been 7 years since things have been normal. The past 7 years have been everything but normal. I miss him. A lot. And I hope he misses me but I don't think he does. I've tried talking to him about it and he just shuts me out. So I've stopped seeing him. But the last time I've seen him Tina wasn't there and Meghan and I went into the bathroom and put her retainers in piss and soaked her toothbrush in piss and scrubbed it in cat shit. Meghan put her mascara in piss too. I hope she gets pink eye. Damn I hate Tina. She thinks she could replace my mom. When my mom has been there for the past 7 years and when I went 2 years with out seeing my dad, my mom was there. I went back to my dad cause I wanted to meet this bitch who was dating my dad. And I realized my dads changed. But then after she went crazy I'm back to where I was before, Not being able to see my dad. And thanks to Meghan, instead of going to my dads the whole weekend, I stay with Meghan instead. Thanks for giving me a second home Meghan. It's kind of cool being able to live with your best friend.

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